Can i choose who I drive teams with

by Splash

How is it possible to team drive with someone unless you are husband and wife, good friends or whatever the case may be? How does a person find a suitable team driver to team with?

I am team diving right now but I am about ready to go off the deep end.

Can anyone help with some advice or suggestions? I like OTR trucking but not who I am doing it with.


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Oct 10, 2016
Choosing a team driver
by: Hervy

It depends on the company. Some companies will allow you to have input about who you drive with. Especially if you both come in together.

Other companies will put you with someone that you recruit in to drive with you.

See what your company policy is.

Ask them if you find someone that you want to team with, can they make that happen.

If they say yes, find out if you have any friends who are interested in becoming a trucker. If so tell them why they should come to your company.

Also, talk to people at truckstops. When you meet someone you get along with. Ask them if they are interested in becoming a team driver.

Good luck.

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