$100.00/ hr truck driving lessons ????

by lester kolbe jr
(milwaukee wisconsin)

i have a Wisconsin state truck drivers permit and i came along a Wisconsin state licensed examiner in west bend Wisconsin that charges $100.00/ hour to teach people how to drive big rig.

He said the average person would require 10-14 hours of behind the wheel before the driving test which can be taken at the same location with the same truck you where taught in.

Do you think it is worth $100.00 per hour????

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Jan 21, 2017
by: Hervy

You might have only a few if any other options.

See if you can negotiate a lower amount for a guaranteed 10 hour block.

You might be better off just going to a community college program if they have one.

If you get the CDL that way, it still might be difficult find a trucking job with no experience unless you have just finished a truck driving school.

However, if that guy has experience trucking by him/her being an examiner, maybe the trucking companies will value his/her training. Especially if they do it often or as a business.

As you have probably determined, it's hard to say whether it is worth it or not.

Mar 06, 2009
private trucking lessons
by: Hervy

Lester I totally agree with Jimmy,

It's not a bad deal if you get what you are promised AND the guy is actually good at instructing AND you pick up things well with the way that he teaches.

One more thing I would do is see if he will give you names and numbers of people that he's taught.
Like Jimmy said see if you can get references on how well he does at teaching if you go that route.

By the way, I just left Wisconsin last week after delivering St Paul, Mn.

I was lucky, cold but beautiful weather the entire trip.

Mar 04, 2009
$100.00 an hour to learn to drive trucks?
by: Jimmy

Lester, $100 an hour is an OK price for behind the wheel training, BUT, you have to consider ALL training, which includes the pre-trip, skills, which include backing,parallel parking, alley dock, stopping at the 'cone' and right turn.

At the DMV, you will take the "COLA" test first and will not proceed unless you pass it. "COLA" is the airbrake test. Then you do the pretrip and must pass before you do the 'Skills' and lastly the roadtest.

When I was an instructor, we offered a solo student class that was three 8 hour sessions of behind the wheel training which included the above instruction. No classroom was involved. So I would say 14 hours behind the wheel would be the minimum, but you need to practice for the other tests as well and you need a truck to do that.

If this guy says he can teach you everything in 14 hours, I would be a little hesitant. Ask him if you can do "a la carte". In other words buy additional instruction time as needed, if needed.

And here's the best advice. Pay as you go. Do not pre-pay a ton of money upfront. He could be a flake and disappear on you. Check him out. Does he have insurance on the truck? References? An office that he works out of? Get on the internet and see if there are reliable schools available, even in Chicago or Indiana. You could go for a few days to school and stay in a motel, then return to Wisconsin to test. That's just a suggestion, of course it would be easier if you learned and tested on the same truck at home. One on one training is the best way to go. Jimmy

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