How I Make Money Online While Off Duty

Affiliate Marketing in 2025

Affiliate marketing is very common now.  basically any product or service that you love that has a prominent internet presence likely also has people promoting those products or services.  They are affiliates whether they call themselves that or not.

Some affiliate programs are much better than other.  Software is at the top of the list because the commissions are higher and often recurring month after month.

That is what you want.  Why not go with the best affiliate programs is you're going to spend time promoting them.

Ideally you want to promote something that you are willing to buy and use.  Because the best way to promote it is to talk about your experience with it.  Instead of trying to sell it.

For example, I've had great experience with the platform below.  If you want to make money off duty or as a trucker wife or even as someone who couldn't get your CDL this affiliate marketing programs if for you.

It's a CRM, website builder, and AI employee system that I use to host websites and do marketing for other businesses. 

Here is a website that I built with it explaining this system.  I call it the Trucker Side Hustle

Another Good Way to Make Money Online for Truckers is Help Small Businesses Grow

  • Build websites
  • Install Artificial Intelligence on them
  • Create automations
  • Landing pages
  • Courses
  • Funnels
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Managing
  • Reputation Management

With one platform, I build websites for people.  And I can provide all of the above. Especially  for truckers starting at $300 each for setup.  This is easy to do with the exact same tool I told you about earlier. 

I can build their websites, host them, set up email, sell them a phone number, integrate AI to help them boost their business and increase profits.  I actually have coaching to show you how to do all of this for truckers or your local small businesses.

I've built websites for Mobile Detail shop, cleaning services, speakers, trucking companies and lawncare services and more.

If you're interested go to and join the inner circle.  With my coaching you don't have to build those same websites because I will just give you a template of the ones that I have already built!

Or if you want to jump in and teach yourself, you can go to my affiliate link to teach yourself the software platform.  (Obviously I get a commission of 40%)  it's

Google Adsense 

Google is by far the most common way to make money online.  It is the hardest and least desirable.  On my website I do it by placing code which will display ads provided by Google and paid for by their advertisers. I have no connection with what ads show in these Google ads. These Google Adsense are prominently marked.  They barely make any money.

They are cool because they provide additional information to the visitor about the subject matter or content that is on the page. It could advertise another site, product, job, or ways to make money all depending on what the text is about around it.

When someone clicks on a link it generate anywhere from pennies to dollars depending on the supply and demand of ad space from other websites available for the keyword that the advertiser bidded on and how much they are willing to spend. This is an example of a Google adsense.

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