Better Health As A Trucker

Achieving better health is easier than one might assume. There are small changes that can be made to your daily habits. The job doesn't not contribute more to poor health than our choices to.  We have to stop claiming that trucking makes you gain weight and prone to diseases.  That gives us a pass on taking responsibility.

Hacks and Tips for Better HealthI reversed pre-diabetes. Lowered high blood pressure, high cholesterol and fixed acid reflux that was so bad it sent me to the emergency room with these tips you're about to read about. Oh and lost 50lbs.
Click Here to See The Weight Loss Hack Truckers Are Using! Affiliate link.

So think about the reality that you want for your future.  Turn that into goals.  Base your choices on those desired outcomes.  I learned that I had to stop drinking the energy drinks and juices (Juice is full of sugar.  It's almost as bad as soda and energy drinks) as a daily habit.

I had to stop consuming hot dogs and pizza.  I cut out hot dogs completely and stop pizza until I reached my health target.  Now 20 years latter, I eat pizza usually at least once a week. 

I cut out the doughnuts AND bread.  And I was intentional about getting more exercise.  That created positive change.  I was still trucking and lost 50lbs so obviously trucking was not the problem!  The problem was my choices.

And realizing that was powerful for me.  As it will be for anyone who actually wants to take control of his/her health.

Make Health a Priority In Your Life

Ten years from now, do you want to be sickly? Do you want be out of shape? Do you want limited mobility? How about a future of chronic disease? High blood pressure? Diabetes? Osteoarthritis? Lung Disease? With today's rules, you won't even be able to remain trucking if you allow your health to deteriorate beyond a certain point.

Ignoring your health today could have long lasting negative consequences. Here 10 potential consequences of not taking better care of yourself.

  • Losing your trucking career or any other job
  • High medical costs
  • Decreased mobility as you age
  • Low energy
  • Under performing immune system
  • Aging prematurely
  • Depression
  • Low self esteem
  • Difficulty in maintaining a relationship
  • Overall lower quality of life

Much like a car operates more efficiently with regular tune ups our bodies operate more efficiently with proper maintenance too.

Cheap oil or improper weight will increase wear on the car's engine. No oil will destroy it. Poor food choices will not provide the nutrients our body needs to fight disease or heal from injuries or heal from infections. Over consumption of junk or the absence of nutritious food altogether will cause your body operate like a car with no oil, it's just a matter of time before failure will occur. So, stop playing and get healthy!

Make better choices each day, soon it will be a habit.

If the information here helps you or you think it can help others like it and remember..... Sharing is Caring. 

Plus sharing helps us to keep providing free content.

Can You Get Exercise as a Trucker Over the Road?

Yes You Can. Did you know that walking around your truck and trailer 32 times is a mile? Now you do.

More about getting exercise OTR

Making Better Eating Choices Over the Road

We all face the challenge of sticking to a good diet. Really all we have to do for motivation is think of the real benefits of maintaining a good healthy diet.  Make a list of them. That will charge you up!

More energy, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, graceful aging, stronger immune system, cheaper healthcare bills, the list goes on and on.

Not being intentional about our eating choices usually leads to obesity. Obesity leads to or greatly increases the chances of many health problems including but not limited to diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, heart disease, Sleep apnea, etc.

Check out this video to get healthy eating tips and hear how I made myself make better eating choices. You can save money and eat healthy over the road. I did it and lost about 50lbs total, 35lbs without much exercise at all simply by changing my eating habits.

Save money and Loose Weight Over the Road

How To Use Trucking for Changing Bad Habits

Achieving Better Health As A Trucker Top

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Nutrition and Exercise

Proper nutrition and regular exercise is probably the most effective way to prevent of diseases and maintain good health.

It is also the cheapest way to live a healthier live.

Truckers are prone to diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and stroke. Don't wait until you are sick or kicked out of your job to start taking care of your body.

Government is passing legislation that basically insinuates that we are either to dumb or irresponsible to take care of ourselves on our own.

We complain about these rules and regulations. But lets see, look it true? "Say it aint so!"

Maybe we do need some help to make better choices. Maybe the government is actually forcing you to improve the quality of a lot of people's lives.

Healthy Foods for the Road