Truckers videos is where you see first hand how we do it out here on the open road. You will see different views from different drivers in different places doing different things. Check this out often because footage will change regularly. If you have any questions after watching the My last trip before Labor Day headed to the house for family reunion. Trucking the back roads of South Carolina
Me going from Saranac Lake towards Malone NY (about 20 miles from Canada) I end up with truck trouble. After getting back on the road you might hear me singing and remixing a song in the process.
Trucker video going thru the Adirondack Mountains in New York. Looks more like a video game. I actually added some text to this but i got to get back to the office to convert the file so i can upload and put it on the site if you signed up for the ezine then you will be notified if you didn't then i guess you won't. :-)
I want to know if you find them entertaining or boring. I am curious how off based I am. Don't want to be wasting my time putting them here if I am the only one that finds them entertaining.
By the way if you have video footage that you feel is hot and you would like me to put it up just holla at me or upload it to youtube and email me the link.
If you have actual home movies or events that you need editing done, thats what i do in my office at home. I will hook you up for the lo lo. Photos to DVD, VHS to DVD, I can make an ill digital slideshow from your physical or digital pictures. I will provide some examples soon.
Later got to go to work!
Positive, negative, good, bad, doesn't matter as long as it is constructive.
What's good about it,what's missing on it, what did you like or didn't like?
Did it give you good enough insight about life as a trucker to help you make an informed decision?
Did you realize that there is a lot more to being a trucker than you knew or had considered?
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Drop and hook can be good or bad. It all depends.
Drop and hook Is good for cents per mile because the miles are what matters.
If you are a Lease operator a bad trailer can get you violations, if you …
Best way to maximize drive time and find safe place to stop
Just came acroos the site thank you!! I was looking for info/tips on the best way to maximize your drive hours while being able to find a safe haven at …
Happy to have found the site.
I am really happy to watch these videos and learn from them. Your website is helpful and really encouraging as i go for my class 1 test sometime soon. …
Do the women show you boobs going down the highway
Do you dudes get to see boobs? Got any videos? A girl in my school says she always shows boobs to truckers. Got any pictures?
Late night watching your trucking videos
Enjoying your vids tonight in Indiana. Dreaming of the road. One day I'll be a trucker.
Memories of the road
Forty two--I have been in the Military for a while but I Drove OTR for 12 years and it brings back some memories, just browsing the web and ran across …
PRIME INC. Seeking Positive or Negative feedback in reference to leasing .
Tenfo !! (LOL) Good Moring. This is honestly the best site I'v seen if you'r looking for the "real truth" If one is thinking about a career in the Trucking …
Thank You
I left the comments about how helpful your site has been to me. But I asked you about Swift Transport and C.R. England and what can you tell me about these …
Where are MY vids?? Not rated yet
I sent you a number of truckers vids that I have never seen here in the video section?? Not good enough? maybe because they are from Canada?? Just curious …
Rick - back roads of South Carolina Not rated yet
JAMING!!! i heard that, there's nothing wrong with that... lol
hehehe Not rated yet
Too funny, first the new pitch for the DVD, I gotta see the entire DVD...I truly believe you have taken on the wrong occupation in life- a stand up comedian …
all the trucking videos rock..... Not rated yet
in their own way. they are all either entertaining, informative or both and be them 2 minutes or 20 seconds long, you know they were put together with …
Entire trucking site rocks Not rated yet
I just wanted to drop you a line, and tell you that it rocks. I stumbled across it today, in search for the "average" daily cost of being a company truck …
Thinking About Trucking? For those with little time to read about the trucking jobs.Life As A Trucker Presents...
Thoughts and ideas meant to awaken the mind!
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