When is it time to let go?

Letting go is hard sometimes. However, sometimes holding on to something is destructive. (or close enough to it) Emotions can easily allow or influence the mind to justify resisting change and cause you to stay in a cycle holding on to what you have as a result.  Even if it is not good for you.  Or even when you don't really have it.  Maybe it has you!

What do you really have?  Is it what you want or more importantly, what you deserve? 

Are you living the life that takes you in the direction that brings you closer to what you dream of for your future. Are you doing the things that make you who you want to be?

Are you dealing with people that help make your vision complete or do they bring ugliness into the picture?Are you holding on to emotions that keep your spirit down and heavy?

Sometimes, you put up with something now because of what it once was before but the reality is that things have already changed. You no longer have what you started with. The question is, what do you do?

Holding on to hate, hurt, regret, bitterness, anger, resentment, jealous or the desire to avenge is not serving you and is actually compromising your immune system.  Which means your health is suffering.  And if you act out on some thoughts, it might put you behind bars!

Well that depends on what the details of the current situation are. Salvage yards make money because junk is not trash and broken pieces can be reconditioned to work. So can relationships.So can careers.  So can marriages.  Even bad habits can be let altered and turned around.

Only you know what you have so be careful of other peoples opinions when it comes to specific actions. You must look at the big picture for yourself and determine who you are, where you are supposed to be going and if there is something that is working against a better life for you and your family.  Or maybe you just need to make an adjustment.

Most of the times when we are talking about letting go, we think of people in bad relationships. A person is not always what needs to be let go of. Sometimes its a way of thinking that needs to go, or bad habits which we know are killing us or holding us back or many other things in life that affect us negatively.

Sometimes you have to face the reality that it's time to let go.

Things to Let Go Of

Lol, you might say well what is he talking about.  I am talking about anything that might have served it's usefulness in your life.

  • A trucking job that is compatible for your needs
  • Relationship partner who is not right for you
  • A car or truck you are holding on to that keeps breaking down
  • Clothes that don't fit and you're in denial about
  • Bad habits that hold you back from
  • Resentment which robs your job
  • Jealousy which steals your peace
  • Anger which destroys your attitude
  • Hatred which stresses your heart
  • Even disappointment that creates a void

So now that we have gone all the way into personal development for truckers again!  If you are perplexed by thoughts stemming from something in the past, maybe it's time to let go of that as well.

There is power and relief in forgiveness.

How to cope with stress

How to let go?

You come to terms with the truth.  You look at the big picture of where you are.  How that thing is affecting you.  What steps do you logically take to physically or mentally relieve yourself of the connection?

It might be like flipping a switch or more like a process to follow.

When you do it right, it's therapeutic and opens you up to new opportunities by default.  So evaluate and act. 

There will be no perfect time, so do it now.  I mean you might want to do a little planning.  Do that part now, and include when you actually will pull the trigger.  (Metaphorically speaking of course)

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thanks, i needed this 
wow that first video really hits home right now. Thank you for posting it. Wishful thinking...

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