Professional Drivers: Add to the list items, tools, equipment you think new drivers should take on the road below. Thanks.
There are not a lot of tools or equipment that you need to take on the road with you. If you are going out as a trainee, you don't need to take any. When you go solo, there are a few that could be a lifesaver depending on what situation you end up in.
The tools you will need to take on the road will depend somewhat on the type of trucking job you have. If you are doing anything specialized you will need tools that other drivers will not need.
Most of these tools and equipment to do the job will be issued to you if they are necessary for the job. Others you will be instructed to purchased and be reimbursed later or you may have to pay the tab yourself if they are not required.
Now, just because they are not required, doesn't mean they won't come in handy to have. Could save you a lot of time and frustration if you have some of these basics on hand.
What we will cover here are the basic tools, equipment and items that you should take with you on the road as a new truck driver.
But first, we will talk about the personal items that you really need to have...
All of the large franchise truck stops will have a towel and wash cloth but if you end up at a small mom and pop sometimes they won't have a towel or wash cloth or it may be falling apart from the bleach. Also, they may require a fee to use them. And usually they have dye leaching out of them.
Soap that the truck stops have is not the best so you may want to take your own. They leave a film of residue on you! lol. (Cheap and lots of unnecessary ingredients!)
As far as the tools that you should take on the road. Most companies don't want you working on the truck so the tools you should have unless you're an owner operator are minimum and not really required,
but they may save you a lot of time and even get you out of a jam if you have them. They are inexpensive and could also be used at home too.
These tools are:
These are some things that you may want to take with you on the road. Some of these items you would not want to lug around until you are assigned your own truck.
Dash Cam if you go with a major carrier they will likely have one. If they dont have one you should get your own. Truckers are always a target. If you get in an accident they will try to blame you, AND they will also lie about what happened.
cheap Camera or Camcorder (to record anything that occurs out of the ordinary or as proof of a certain issue or problem. Say there is a hole in a box on a pallet that they leave on your truck. Or supposed some backs into you in a truck stop while you're inside and leaves. You record these things and there is no debate about it later)
Also these recorders helps you to document traffic incidents. (Make sure you have a tripod or camera stand. Also know your company policy for recording YouTube videos and videos in general. People are getting fired for doing dumb things. Follow all laws when your camera is capturing road footage. Ex. Don't roll through stops signs or red lights.)
YOUTUBE Videos - If you're going to do youtube the camera i use for that are Gopro and DJI Pocket 3 Got the Combo Deal
- AI Voice recorder and Summarizer. This may come in handy if you don't have a Qualcomm or company issued computer for load information. Records instructions or conversations and can summarize to give you the important details.
- 12 Volt Cooler So that you can buy your food in advance to save money on the road. Don't buy this in the truck stop, much cheaper in discount store.
- Asus Laptop. This is useful so you can do productive things with your down time. I do video editing. ASUS and HP ENVY are what i've used for 20 years. Both of these brands have fell from the top bunk and bottom bunk numerous times and kept going!
- IPhone 16 Pro Max I know, duh, lol.
- 2000 watt Inverter -Convert DC power to AC power.
Make sure it is strong enough to run what you plan to take on the road. Microwave, refrigerator, etc. (Know the company policy on wattage, installation and whether you can even have it or not.)
What did I leave out? What tools, equipment, or other items do you take on the road with you that you recommend new drivers should take too.
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Power Inverter
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a good pair of shades
also some leg cramp pills
A Kindle or Nook
These are ereaders. If you love to read as I do you will find these small, portable devices come in very handy. You can keep thousands of books on this …
Hand sanitizer
Reflective Vest For Safety
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As little as posible is best
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vise grips
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personal safety equipment Not rated yet
1)ice cleats for shoes
2)stiff wide broom to sweep trl/deck brush f0r trk step(winter)
3)emgerency water/food (3day)
5)sunglasses reduce eye …
5Th Wheel Release Hand Hook Not rated yet
Hook To Pull Handle to Release 5th wheel pin
Keeps You From Getting Dirty And Hurting Your Back ;)
Wipes Coat and work boots Not rated yet
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Extra items to take over the road Not rated yet
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Fuses, extra glad handles and something to cut seals off your trailer. Not rated yet
Fuses, extra glad hand seals, crow bar, hammer, needle nose pliars, wiper blades, spare headlamp, something to cut seals off your trailer.
All of the …
Tool often overlooked for the road - Fingernail Clippers Not rated yet
It seems like every time I tear a fingernail I am in my rig and end up tearing it off with my teeth.
Flashlight Not rated yet
For pre departure inspection, and especialy to check the fifth wheel and jaw when coupling and uncoupling a trailer.
Flashlight Not rated yet
Flash light, hahaha
crow bar, flash light, xm radio, office supply, GPS etc Not rated yet
crow bar: if your connecting to a trailer and miss the king pin.
#1-raise trailer
#2 take crow bar put between trailer and fifth wheel push down aiming …
50ft Gladhand Airhose and a good Dial-Type Tire gauge Not rated yet
To keep all the tires properly inflated. Calling a Road Service to replace a tire that was under inflated and blow is expensive, including the time wasted …
wet wipes,air freshener,small garbage bags Not rated yet
Wet wipes come in handy to refresh an stay somewhat clean in between stops.air freshener good for continued fresh air an small garbage bags to dispose …
Hammer Not rated yet
You may have to pull nails out of the trailer floor or to secure something to the floor.
A Headlamp, it allows you to work hands-free, a great advantage! Not rated yet
Mine's a Petzl, but there are other good brands. Make sure you get a very bright one. expect to pay near $70.00 for one with good illumination.
Portable satellite radio (Sirius / XM) receiver. Not rated yet
Requires subscription, but it's well worth the money not to have to be constantly searching for a listenable station.
map, trucker gps Not rated yet
I am looking for an app on my phone that can navigate me and my big rig out of the no trucks allowed streets.
i been caught in some big citys for hours …
flash light Not rated yet
check fifth wheel connection and also helpful getting out of the truck at night on the shoulder so people can see you.
extra bulbs,and tape measure -some items to take over the road Not rated yet
extra bulbs is obvious, but a tape measure is very useful for odd shaped loads, especially for skateboards(flat bed) for rookies
take rubbing alcohol OTR with you in the winter time to put in with window washer fluid Not rated yet
you put it in your washer fluid tank in cold winter conditions. it keeps your washer fluid and windshield from freezing as quick.
Open end wrench Not rated yet
To adjust brakes.
Good hefty ball peen hammer Not rated yet
A lot of times the pins on a trailer are slightly bent and you need to give them a few whacks to free them up.
Along those same lines, spray silicon …
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