Eating a good diet for truckers seems challenging. It doesn't have to be. It's so easy to make excuses to justify unhealthy choices. Fast food is at every truck stop and more and more fast food restaurants are starting to provide truck parking just to make it a little more convenient for us to indulge in the cholesterol, fat laden, life shortening, tasty, appetite busting menu. (Lol, still hungry?)
We already know generally what needs to be done. Stop eating some stuff and start eating other stuff. But we have to spend a little time getting a little more specific. So here are some specifics you could do.
Make sure you only use BPA free sandwich bags and let it cool down some before putting the lentils in the plastic.
Intermittent fast works wonderfully for truckers. I lost weight a second time 10 years later with intermittent fasting.
After being at 200 lbs give or take 5 lbs for 10 years, one Winter and a new girl whom I took out to eat ALL the time, I found myself at 210.
I wanted to get down to 200lbs so I didn't eat after 5PM
The first meal of the day was 11 or 12.
That meal would always be Salad, Eggs, Avocado Often fruit
In the eggs, avocado and in the salad I would put...
I could eat as much as i wanted by 5 o'clock.
Usually that was Oatmeal with
OK, in 1 week I was already at 189 lbs.
Then I got back up to 195lbs but i had to stop intermittent fasting. Only do that now once a week.
I started walking 10,000 a day. While doing that I lost back down to 183 - 185 (Which i didn't want to do. I wasn't trying to lose)
While walking that much no matter how much i eat, I can't get over 185lbs. I've tried for 3 months. I just cant eat enough.
I should have started with this but diet is nothing more than what you eat. It doesn't mean restricting what you eat. Everyone is on a diet. One of the things that you should do is start with the REASON that you want to have a specific diet. Then you know how use the right diet.
For example.....
A good diet plan could include an occasional visit to a fast food joint although they aren't the best place. There are usually salads and grilled chicken available which would fit into a good diet plan (I would take the bread off the chicken or get a wrap), but that's not what we are going to order when we visit. We get the supa dupa extra large fry and coke with a triple grease burger, extra cheese and how about an apple turnover!
(lol,I am trying to make you feel guilty like me!)
Truth is 80% of us need to make dramatic improvements in our diets. A good diet plan with exercise will help you loose belly fat, get more energy, get better sleep, drop pants sizes, and increase the length and quality of life.
You deserve these things and so does your family.
"What is a good diet plan?" That's a popular question. You will hear different people with different opinions, especially when attempting to accomplishing specific goals whether it's losing weight, losing fat, losing pants size, etc.
Generally speaking, for overall improvement in health a good diet consists of quality nutrient dense foods with low saturated and trans fat. Mono and Polyunsaturated fats are actually good for you. It should also be high in protein and fiber and consist of plenty of water.
I cut out the fast food and ate...
Tuna, sardines, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, high fiber cereal (fiber one was my choice), oatmeal, grits, plenty of water on the road when I noticed I had gain an extra 50lbs.(weighing in at 250lbs)
Also used cinnamon on my fruits and cereal
Used garlic on just about everything else
Ate small portions 5 times or more a day.
7am, 10am, 12, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm is just about perfect! Of course, this is not set in stone.(and it didn't always make it these times but it was my target.)
Pic the times that are good for you.
You DO want to split the times up and DO NOT feast only 2 or 3
times a day as many will do when trying to loose weight, thinking less
does more. Less does harm.(Slows your metabolism down)
Small, frequent meals keeps the metabolism up and helps the body
to digest more efficiently. Eating in the morning is absolutely
necessary which is only logical if you think about it. You are starting
the day from a sleep. You body needs the kick plus you will have time
to be active and able to work off some calories.
People that wait as long as possible and then eat a large meal are making a mistake. (I guess, I have emphasized this enough! lol) Take a good multi-vitamin that includes essential minerals like selenium and vanadium such as GNC's Mega Men Multi-Vitamin.(or whatever you like)
Throw in complex carbohydrates like beans and whole grain and you are off to a very healthy start. That is a good diet for truckers and most other people too.
Make sure to make these changes...
Replace with brown rice and sweet potatoes. (for you buffet enthusiasts and crock pot chefs)
Replace with Whole wheat bread (I ate no bread until I reached my target weight)
Replace with baked or broiled or grilled
Replace with water, black coffee is better for energy. It has beneficial properties. However, too much coffee (caffeine) is harmful too and if you add sugar or flavoring with sugar...its a problem again. Bring Stevia on the road with you.
Just in case you somehow missed it....
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Now if you can't imagine never eating this stuff again, just make an agreement with yourself to stop eating it until you get down to your ideal, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol number. Then if you still want to eat it, just eat it sparingly. By then you should have adopted a healthier diet. (I eat this stuff every now and then but my weight is still what I got it down to after 8 or 9 years 200lbs)
A good diet plan is to your body what a scheduled preventive
maintenance is for your car. Eating properly could not only give you a
better quality of life but save you money because of less body break
downs and doctor visits. You will have a decrease chance of developing
nasty illnesses or debilitating diseases.
It simply makes sense to eat a better diet.
Have you had any success in loosing weight? How did you do it? How do you stay on track making better choices of food? What do you eat regularly? Do any of you cook in the truck?
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DO NOT make childish posts attacking people or companies.
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Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Its The Hot Dog Killers
We often are in a rush and go for a quickie set of hot dogs. Cheap and tasty. Why not?
Because there are much better options that are not processed, …
Comfort Food Will Hunt You Down
Comfort food is always looking for ways to infiltrate your daily diet. That little nagging urge to indulge for any reason that you can find.
Comfort …
Type 3 Diabetes
the crock pot idea is genius. Not all calories are equil. Healthy fats and vegetables are what I eat.
Has anyone heard of type 3 diabetes ?
Eating In Truck Stops Almost Ruined My Life
I'll keep this short and sweet. If you want to be healthy, you need to eat raw, and primal. The Primal diet contains raw meats, raw diary, raw fruits, …
How to Provide Healthy Food to Truckers
Hello Truckers,
First, I would like to say that I truly respect and admire all you men and women truckers for doing a very hard job and providing every …
Spices and Herbs to replace salt in your food
There are spices and herbs that can make a tasty replacement to salt in your diet. Get more flavor and the health benefits all in one.
Also, …
Healthy options
I was just on a long road trip with my family and I was thinking about what healthy choices truck drivers have. I know all too well what it is like to …
Pay attention to MSG and how it affects you tohelp you be a healthy trucker
Most people don't realize what MSG is or how prolific it is in their everyday diet. My mother will devour a buffet if it has MSG, my sister won't eat another …
Exercise for truckers
Just remember...if you don't use it, you'll loose it. Stop the truck at least every hour. Walk or jog around your truck 4 or 5 times with a few push …
Spc Atkinson Nathen U.S. Army
I have a question, What do you recommend as far as excercise goes while on the road?
Also, a quick ego boost for you here; I love what your doing it's …
Truckers Drink Too Many Energy Drink Not rated yet
I drank wayyyy too many energy drinks as a trucker. I started out only drinking them when needing extra energy.
Then I started drinking them in a …
The Easiest Way to Lower Your Health Care Not rated yet
It all starts with what you put in your body. It continues with how much exercise and rest you get.
When it comes to your diet, you first need to decide …
Best Diet Plan For You Not rated yet
Everything is connected to what you feed your belly which is why you’ve to be very careful while choosing what you eat.
If lethargy, hungriness and …
ideas or recipies to make for my trucker Not rated yet
Were new to being a trucker couple and are still learning. I have kids so I stay and make a home while he brings home the bacon. Lol but before he leaves …
Considering truck driving - woman Not rated yet
I LOVE your site! I'm going to start driving next year with my partner and can't wait! I've been very concerned about health and weight issues - not …
Exercise and Eating Ideas for The Trucking Lifestyle Not rated yet
I am a OTR trucker and well on my way to a healthier me. I have lost 30 pounds, in 2 months, by reducing calories, eating smaller meals 6-7 times per day …
wife of new driver Not rated yet
Great info..thank u..cause i want him to be healthy /happy otr as well as off...
Response: Your are welcome! …
Balance diet is best diet Plan Not rated yet
Balance diet and regular exercise are important. Sometimes you may need supplements as well. So it is better you consult with your doctor before you proceed.For …
Cummstien Not rated yet
Regarding the video entitled "Trucking Tip--Truck driver healthy eating by KDTDECA4":
I couldn't understand a word that man said.
Creationode Not rated yet
15 Servings is Typical for a Highly Nutrient Dense superfood powder meal option, available in sealed plastic tubs in various sizes.
Usually run from …
What are you thoughts, ideas, or comments about the information on this page? Do you have experience with the topic. Can you give additional information? What's your story? What's your insight. What's your opinion? What's Your question? Share them with us!
DO NOT make childish posts attacking people or companies.
DO NOT abuse this site to get back at someone. You will be banned.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Its The Hot Dog Killers
We often are in a rush and go for a quickie set of hot dogs. Cheap and tasty. Why not?
Because there are much better options that are not processed, …
Comfort Food Will Hunt You Down
Comfort food is always looking for ways to infiltrate your daily diet. That little nagging urge to indulge for any reason that you can find.
Comfort …
Type 3 Diabetes
the crock pot idea is genius. Not all calories are equil. Healthy fats and vegetables are what I eat.
Has anyone heard of type 3 diabetes ?
Eating In Truck Stops Almost Ruined My Life
I'll keep this short and sweet. If you want to be healthy, you need to eat raw, and primal. The Primal diet contains raw meats, raw diary, raw fruits, …
How to Provide Healthy Food to Truckers
Hello Truckers,
First, I would like to say that I truly respect and admire all you men and women truckers for doing a very hard job and providing every …
Spices and Herbs to replace salt in your food
There are spices and herbs that can make a tasty replacement to salt in your diet. Get more flavor and the health benefits all in one.
Also, …
Healthy options
I was just on a long road trip with my family and I was thinking about what healthy choices truck drivers have. I know all too well what it is like to …
Pay attention to MSG and how it affects you tohelp you be a healthy trucker
Most people don't realize what MSG is or how prolific it is in their everyday diet. My mother will devour a buffet if it has MSG, my sister won't eat another …
Exercise for truckers
Just remember...if you don't use it, you'll loose it. Stop the truck at least every hour. Walk or jog around your truck 4 or 5 times with a few push …
Spc Atkinson Nathen U.S. Army
I have a question, What do you recommend as far as excercise goes while on the road?
Also, a quick ego boost for you here; I love what your doing it's …
Truckers Drink Too Many Energy Drink Not rated yet
I drank wayyyy too many energy drinks as a trucker. I started out only drinking them when needing extra energy.
Then I started drinking them in a …
The Easiest Way to Lower Your Health Care Not rated yet
It all starts with what you put in your body. It continues with how much exercise and rest you get.
When it comes to your diet, you first need to decide …
Best Diet Plan For You Not rated yet
Everything is connected to what you feed your belly which is why you’ve to be very careful while choosing what you eat.
If lethargy, hungriness and …
ideas or recipies to make for my trucker Not rated yet
Were new to being a trucker couple and are still learning. I have kids so I stay and make a home while he brings home the bacon. Lol but before he leaves …
Considering truck driving - woman Not rated yet
I LOVE your site! I'm going to start driving next year with my partner and can't wait! I've been very concerned about health and weight issues - not …
Exercise and Eating Ideas for The Trucking Lifestyle Not rated yet
I am a OTR trucker and well on my way to a healthier me. I have lost 30 pounds, in 2 months, by reducing calories, eating smaller meals 6-7 times per day …
wife of new driver Not rated yet
Great info..thank u..cause i want him to be healthy /happy otr as well as off...
Response: Your are welcome! …
Balance diet is best diet Plan Not rated yet
Balance diet and regular exercise are important. Sometimes you may need supplements as well. So it is better you consult with your doctor before you proceed.For …
Cummstien Not rated yet
Regarding the video entitled "Trucking Tip--Truck driver healthy eating by KDTDECA4":
I couldn't understand a word that man said.
Creationode Not rated yet
15 Servings is Typical for a Highly Nutrient Dense superfood powder meal option, available in sealed plastic tubs in various sizes.
Usually run from …
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Some people have a thing about going on a diet. You are already on a diet. All of us are on a diet. A diet simply is the food that you eat. That is your diet.
If you ask someone what is your diet. It simply means what do you eat regularly.
So don't be afraid of the word diet. What you want is a healthy diet which consists of nutritious foods so that you help your body to perform efficiently as possible.
Eating a healthy diet will help you lose weight, and drop your blood pressure and cholesterol and lower your risk of disease.
Why wouldn't you do it?
It's cheaper (contrary to popular belief) both now and later. Because if you don't eat reasonably you will likely become sick or overweight. That is going to cost you money and might even put you out of the truck.
So you can make excuses for why you can't do it or you can do it. By the way, I lost weight as an OTR driver and stayed within 5lbs of 200lbs for about 10 years.
So yes it is possible. The question is do you want to do it, or make excuses?
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