Advice For Truckers And Truckers Wives

Moderated by Jennifer and Julie


Jennifer holds a B.S. in Psychology. She is the mother of 7 kids ranging from 25 to 10. She is married to Keith a trucker whom rides with from time to time. You can see the love in the words she types as she speaks of her trucker husband Keith. She is an extraordinary woman here to help with advice you ladies or truckers may need in the relationship or parenting.

Here's some suggested reading written by Jennifer.

Advice For Marriage Ebook
Power Of The Mind
Become a Loving Truckers Wife
Parenting Tips for Truckers Wives Understanding Your Trucker
My first Over The Road Trip of This Summer
Trucking Family Life Advice To Drivers


Julie has 17 years of experience being a trucker's wife. She and her husband has 6 kids. Julie rode with her husband for a year on the road. This gives her insight that many wives don't have. Reading Julie's story the level of passion and love she has for her husband is unquestionable. Julie is yet another extra-ordinary woman who seems to have the right mindset to give great advice to truckers and trucker wives on issues of the homes be it relationships or parenting.

It isn't easy being the wife or the driver in the trucking industry. I think that is one thing we all easily understand. These ladies don't pretend that it wasn't but their growth may just be what you need to help your experience be less painful.

Advice For Truckers and Truckers Wives

Maybe your not sure about how you are viewing a situation at home. Sometimes we all need an unbiased opinion on things. Someone that has no interest in the matter at all. You may need just an honest evaluation of what's what.

Drivers. . . Can't figure out why your wife is giving you a hard time at home?
Why can't she see things your way, is it you or is it her? Maybe it's a little of you both, but maybe you can get advice on how to make things better.

These ladies are trucker's wives just like your wives are so they know exactly what they are going through.

Trucker's Wives do you need to know how you should handle certain situations with your trucker hubby? Are you having problems and you don't know why. Is your friends interfering with your thoughts about your man. Maybe you need to talk to some ladies that have been there an done that to get honest opinions about your situation.

Ladies Maybe you need to ask questions to other truckers to get a drivers perspective about something feel free to do that too by visiting another driver. Well guess what here's Keith (yes Jennifer's husband to help you out.

Ask or Answer Questions Below

Thanks for coming by. These experienced ladies can offer you great advice about your relationships or parenting as a truckers wife. I might even make an attempt.

If any of you want to answer questions also. Feel free to add your opinion the more responses the more interesting. Please don't put your last names just the first and state if you want. (Also remember your spouse will likely visit the site one day. If your airing issues you wish not to be confronted about airing someday, you may want to use a alias name and location, that's fine too)

Also, remember we are trying to be helpful and constructive, so no need to be nasty or hateful to anyone. Thanks

topics of discussion

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Trucking groupies? 
I was talking to this one cab driver that was taking me home after shopping and he said that he only got this cab driver job temporarily because he had …

Concerned About His Lying and Actions 
Ok, maybe I'm green about this. But I need help. My husband, who doesn't eat cucumbers...purchases 2 cucumbers and 1 3 pack of condoms EVERY time he goes …

Is it normal to not talk the entire time he's OTR? 
Been married 10 years, we have 2 kids. Hubs has always been a driver, but was local for many years, with awful hours. So OTR driving actually gave us back …

Husband got terminate from trucking company last month 
My husband got terminated last month due to supposedly too many accidents, but yet his DAC report does not list accidents. What can a trucking company …

Dating an OTR Truck Driver 
I found out that my new neighbor is an OTR truck driver. We met briefly about 3 weeks back and hit it off. He seems to be into me, and got to briefly meet …

Trying to find a driver I met in the 80’s 
I am trying to find a gentleman that was driving semi for a Royal Lippizzan Stallion tour during the 80’s. The tour passed through British Columbia, …

Is Anyone Else Annoyed by His Swearing and Gutter Talk 
Any one else annoyed by the language their spouse/significant other uses when talking about random things? I understand that he is a trucker but is …

Feeling like a single mother and starting arguments  
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 years. Prior to us having 2 children within a span of 10 1/2 months. I was ok with him being away. By ok I mean …

Trucker in fear of loosing his family 
How can i turn this around i am a otr long hauler and me and my wife have been together for 8 years and i have been driving for three we have recently …

Trucker Husband Won’t Talk On The Phone 
My husband of 20 yrs is an OTR truck driver. He refuses to talk to me on the phone while he’s gone. We text but it’s just not the same. I would like …

Work on the road for the wife that rides along 
My husband and I have spoke about me joining him on the road. I recently spent my vacation with him running daily routes and ending at home each night …

He And I Are Thinking of Buying a House 
My boyfriend is usually out and average of 2 weeks at a time and home 2-4 days. We are interested in buying our first home, but he hates the expense …

Husbands Training Female Students 
My husband recently became a driver trainer with his company. We talked about him becoming a trainer for a while and I'm ok with him being a trainer. …

Do truckers meet people just to have someone to talk to when driving? 
Do truckers just meet people online so they'll have someone to talk to while driving? Lots of communication while working but less when he's off. …

He's home only 2 days a month 
I’ve been dating my truck driver boyfriend for 2years, I went into the relationship believing he was starting a new business. I was wrong after his …

My Husband is Wants a Female Team Driver  
My flatbed truck driving husband is a mentor. He asked if I was ok with him training a female. I said yes with obvious restrictions. Relationship changes …

Insurance companies for drivers with accidents 
My husband has an awesome boss, but he needs to find another insurance company to cover him so he can get back on the road! Any suggestions for where …

Why do men get into trucking and can't support their family 
Why do these men get into a field where they cannot support their wife and kids. I have to have a part time job cause he does not make enough money. …

wife of the trucker in question . I am disabled after 30 years of Nursing RN 
My husband has a trainer but refuses to tell me 1. what company he is working for. 2. refuses to send me a picture of him in front of the truck and …

I think he is cheating on me. What do I do? 
I'm involved with a man who's a long haul truck driver and most of the time we see each other every weekend. Sometimes the truck breaks down and sometimes …

Move to another state with OTR bf??  
I been with my bf for 2 years, we each have a child from previous relationships but he lives in another state. He came back to our hometown to get …

How to cope with limited communication with best friend? 
My fiancé just started truck driving and can have zero use of his phone, we talk when we can but it’s very short. Don’t get me wrong I am greatful …

Trucking is a single mans game!! 
I have no kids and my money is mine. Thats why trucking aint for breeders

I'm going over the road with my trucker fiance. I've done this before with him and we enjoyed this. We came off the road to be home nightly but I live …

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Male long haul truck driver looking for advise 
Hello. I am a long haul truck driver. Been driving for almost 3 yrs. I have a wife,just had 6 yr anniversary. Have 2 kids. One 8 yr old daughter …

Should We Become Owner Operators 
Hubby has been OTR company man 4 years, a student trainer 1 year. He is 52 yrs old. He is talking about buying a used semi tractor and driving solo …

How to Become a Truck Driver with felony  
I'm trying to find a company that would take me with a felony on my background roughly 5 years old any advice

Good excuse for not going on the road 
Hi, I am a soon to be newly wed to a truck driving man who is 35 years my senior. My question to you is that my man has been on break for about a week …

Stay encouraged - Its a blessing even if at first that doesn't seem to be true 
The road is not easy but an honorable, hardworking man is worth their weight in gold..... I was a single mother when I met my truck driver husband …

What trucking company will let me ride with husband with no license 
my husband wants to become a truck driver but we dont know what company will let me stay on the road with him as i have no license and probably wont become …

Negligence at workplace my husband owner operator lead to his death 
It seems so unfair to me that a place of employment could treat their employees owner operators like shit. My husband had several health issues and …

I'm really struggling with trucking life plus new baby 
So my husband of 11 yrs became a otr driver in Dec. We have 2 kids 11&9. We made the decision together for our families future. As soon as he quit his …

What did I get myself into this time? 
Where to start...I have my Masters in Social Work. I met my boyfriend (ex boyfriend) 10 months ago. We spent literally hours on the phone everyday, I would …

How to tell if a trucker is single or lying 
I been talking to a guy online for month now..but i cant reach him at any given time. He will say hes unloading or loading and can't talk at that moment. …

Should I Stay or Should I Go? 
My boyfriend is leaving in june to go over the road. We have four pet rats and a cat. I do not want to leave the animals or have to get rid or them. …

My husband spends $1000 a month 
My husband is spending $1000 a month, while I am sleeping on a mattress on the floor. He gives me an allowance and puts the rest in savings. Then he takes …

4 months and counting 
I have been dating a otr driver for 4 months now..we actually got to spend a few weeks together before he went back driving but since he has been driving …

Best and worst companies for family time? 
New to trucking...not new to not being together often due to military. We would like him home at least a week a month? Anyway what companies are suggested …

Found Grindr App and Craiglist personals on husbands phone 
My husband if 2 yes has been a long distance trucker for 25 years and single for 15. I just found grindr app and Craigslist personals for men on his phone! …

Can I trust my husband around lot lizards? 
Can I trust him he has never cheated but if he is vulnerable do u think I could trust him?

Husbands training  
My husband is training to be a truck driver I'm nervous to not being able to see him. We have2 kids. Any advice?

I don't want to see my boyfriend...weird 
Why do i not want my boyfriend home when he has home. I dont care for him coming home...i do love him but i dont want to see him...wierd.

Trucker Boyfriend 
My trucker boyfriend and I live together and have for about 2 years. Been together for 3. He is home for a few hours Tuesday & Thursday evenings, and then …

10 moths Girlfriend  
I have been dating a truck driver for almost 10 months now in the beginning he wants to hang out with me all the time. He never helps me with my bills …

OTR with children? 
Can you do over the road with your family with you?

How can I get past my driving record 
I have 4 moving violations and most local company wont hire me because the insurance want cover me. how can i find a job with my class a license;

Who do I contact if my company won't send me home 
If I have been out 6 weeks and I put in for home time like I was suppose to. I put it in on the 25th to be home from the 1st to the 5th. They I live in …

..My husband has been O/O..over the road..all states and Alaska..for 30 + years..Then he met me..LOL..He had a New truck when I met him in 2012..The note …

Kids having behavioral issues since he left to be a trucker 
My husband and I have a 4 year old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter. They are both exceptionally bright, and have never had any sort of behavioral issues- …

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Local truck driver Girlfriend  
So ive been with my boyfriend for almost 4 yrs. When we first started dating he mentioned how he wanted to get back into trucking. I assumed it was on …

Thinking of moving closer to Husbands job but his friend is a problem. 
My husband and I have been married for 7 years and I love him very much. He has always worked away from home. His previous job was "Wildland Firefighter". …

He says he doesn't feel at home when he comes home 
My boyfriend states that he doesn't feel at home when he comes home and that it is an inconvenience when he does take some time off. We where together …

37year old woman wanting to go OTR 
When I was married previously it was to a truck driver. I was OTR with him for nearly 9 yrs on and off. I've now since separated and am now in another …

How to live daily without him 
I finally decided to request a break from the relationship with first year trucker. It lasted six years. We have had some problems before, and worked it …

Is it a good idea for a mother of a 2 year old to become a trucker? 
I'm a mother of a two year old and I will like to know is it a good idea for a mother of a two year old to go into trucking? I will also like to know …

He Doesn't Call 
My husband is in training and even when he has a significant amount of free time at certain points, he doesn't call me or seem to want to talk. Sure, …

Father second guesses my parenting when he returns from a route. 
I love my husband, and he is a great father. However, when he comes home he gets mad when I discipline our almost 2 year old son. It wasn't an issue …

Divorcing a truck driver - Do I get half 
I have been married for 25 years to a truck driver. We are divorcing for all reasons imaginable. It truly sucks. My question is about his rig. Do I …

Is driving with unsafe truck legal 
Is it legal in this heat?? Employer refuses to put AC in your truck but everyone else has it. High heat and waiting idle for 2hrs to load or driving all …

No time to talk on the phone etc due to time spent working 
My fiancee is a otr trucker he has been trucking for a year. Well at my job I work 50 plus a week. Well when I come home I don't really want to talk to …

Preparing for our first baby 
My boyfriend is an otr trucker. We are due to have our first baby in early July. There's a big chance that he won't be able to get some home time around …

Stay at Home Dad returns to work 
I announced to my wife that I wanted to be an OTR trucker in January 2016. I'm currently a Stay at Home Dad. I've been retired from My job for 5 years …

Concerned about the relationship 
My boyfriend, a trucker,has cheated on me already once,mind you we have only been together for 7 months,at the point where we have our accounts linked …

Should I ride with hubby over the road?  
Good morning, I am a truckers wife, I work full time and he is a truck driver in town wants to go over the road and wants me to do this. He says I …

Confusioned & Scared 
Well, my beloved husband has always been a workaholic and a wonderful provider! About 1 1/2 years ago he decided to get a career change and got his CDL. …

Help! I need some advice 
Hi, my name is Tiffany, this is a little lengthy but please bare with me. I will greatly appreciate any and all advice. My boyfriend is leaving for his …

Communication over the Road  
sometimes I'd rather not talk at all for his entire training than be disappointed when I think I am going to talk to him at night and then don't. …

Is it normal he gets so upset sounding  
I'm young and he is 6 years older than me. Is it normal that he gets bored or he gets depressed and when we talk seems uninterested? I know he loves …

i am doing this for the families broken up for peoples opinions that aint worth nothing  
i am starting team driving i have three wonderful young children, i ll k.i.s.s. this very quickly nip it in the butt. its is easier to fix and repair what …

I'm a worried truckers wife 
so worried that my husband will get into a accident and end in jail. you know truckers cant stop on a dime and cars pull out in front of them all the …

Been together 4 years and he just started trucking... 
I'm really lonely now, its just me and my 2 year old boy. (my fiancé is 23 and I'm 26) I find myself always bored and not sure of what to do to pass the …

He wants to stop OTR to be at home with family but... 
My husband and i have been together for 5 years. however we have just married in February of 2015. we are expecting our first child in april (thats right …

My husband is a trucker and I really want a baby 
Lately that's all I've been thinking about, is having a baby. My husband just became a truck driver and he's going to do it for two years till I finish …

Wife .. With three babies and a local hubby who's never home :/ 
I've been with my hubby sense I was sixteen , now I am 23 and he's 26 I've always been there for him and he's been a trucker for five years in the same …

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He yells the kids when he comes home 
Hi there, my husband is a truck driver and is away 5 to 6 days a week. We have 3 children and I also work as well as being a mum to them. When my husband …

Downshifting on a down grade 
Im a new driver been driving for 4months and I would like some tips on downshifting when going down hills not mountains but hills. I usually downshift …

Missing Fiance 
My fiance is an OTR truck driver. We'd talk everyday unless his data ran out or he had bad signal but the next day he'd tell me the problem & We'd continue …

will i ever trust him again??????????? 
I spent my yrs. devoted to my trucker husband then 2 yrs. ago i found out he cheated.. I know it took him a a yr. and half even to admit anything... of …

New NC truckers wife 
my husband of one year has decided to change careers from a iron worker to a truck driver. In the past 2 years we have always been together never a night …

Red flags in a relationship 
We met again for the first time in years Father's Day weekend, 2015. I/we were excited about getting married, home all the God stuff. However, We were …

How can I learn the Atlas or Map 
Hello I just came home from driving with a team only company that i left. I realized after doing it I would much rather drive solo . The only questions …

Just started talking to bf thats a trucker and Im lonely please help. 
We have been dating a couple weeks now but known each other for about 6 months. I completly support him with work and understand I cant see him all the …

Promises made but yet to be fulfilled 
I am really sad. My trucker boyfriend told me he was going to find a job where he is home on weekends and that has yet to happen. His company told him …

My wife doesn't talk to me anymore 
I'm a new otr driver. I've been driving 48 for 9 months now. I drive for 4 weeks and I'm home for a few days (3-4). For the first few months my wife and …

New to dating a truck driver and don't know if I'm being played 
I am new to all of this. I started dating a trucker who I love more than anything in the world but my question is how long does it actually take to get …

How can I support my husband who is a trucker 
Hi,my name is Christina,my husband started trucking last year harvest. I need help. He loves his job. How can I support him? I have 2 girls a 3 year …

my boyfriend of almost 2 years wonders if he should go otr 
My boyfriend and I have been together in what will be 2 years in August. I'm 23 almost 24 and he's 26. We moved in with each other almost immediately because …

A career of my own while I ride along with otr husband 
I am a licensed life/health independent insurance agent whose husband is an otr driver. Both of us prefer traveling as a pair with myself as his rider. …

How do I get over feeling scared, anxiety and depressed as a truckers wife 
Hi my name is Leslie, I'm 26 he is 27 we have been married for 8 and half years and we have a miscarried baby in heaven, but not able to get pregnant since …

Husband is jealous about me hanging with my brother 
Ive been with my husband for 5 years. He has been a driver our whole realtionship. I knew him in highschool. As of late my brother moved back and every …

Lonely and Empty 
My husband has only been OTR for a year. Before that, he had the normal 9-5 and home everyday job. He says that he chose truck driving for our family, …

My husband is a nationwide driver and does not want to get a local driver job is he cheating  
My hubby is truck driver drives 48 states and we have 2 young kids 3/4 y.o and is very difficult for me to do everything on my own but he refuses to get …

HELP! My Friends Say I Should Dump My Trucker BF 
I started dating him in September 2014. We met online. I did not see him for a few months because he was sick and his the company he worked for. Had no …

any job ideas for truckers wife? 
I'm a truckers wife who is in need of my own income. Anyone know of some good online jobs or any other ideas on how to make money while being on the road? …

Love My trucker  
My trucker and I have been dating for 4 years now and as our wedding day grows closer (May 30, 2015) I find myself more and more in-love with him. …

Lonely in GA 
I met my boyfriend on a dating site online a little over 2 years ago.He trains drivers for the company he works for and is gone between 4-8 weeks at a …

Getting old quickly! 
My husband when we moved found a driving job pushing 70/80 hours a week. He is only home weekends. He expects so much of me with teenagers. I work …

All he wants to do is hang with his friends when he is home 
Me and my boyfriend have been together 15 months now we are also 15 years apart in age him 24 and me 39. He got his CDl in June and has been doing Otr …

Co-ed team driving when one is married. 'll  
My question is my husband after 5 months of being married went behind my back to train a female and became infatuated. Done it again a year later and got …

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trucking company refuses to pay me... 
For some reason my company refuses to pay me. They say we have to compromise on the amount of miles i obtained for the week. I keep a very tight log book …

trucker wife 
Hes always tierd not in the mood for sex or pretty much nothing i thought it was me

He is always tired 
Hes always tired not in the mood for sex or pretty much nothing i thought it was me.

should i even try? 
i recently received a reckless opp and now requires me to have an sr22. can I still go to cdl school and will I be able to even get a job?

Need some advice about quitting job and going over the road 
Hello, I need some advice about a decision that I am currently facing. My boyfriend (serious boyfriend) is looking to become an owner operator and …

Trucker Wife To Be 
My man and I have been together for two years. We've gotten through a lot of difficult times together and I know without a shadow of a doubt that I want …

New Driver 
I recently graduated from Truck Driving school. When I started applying with Trucking Companies my application was denied due to a Physical Control under …

Single dad wants to take 7 year old son otr 
I'm a single dad and have raised my 7 year old son alone for 5 years and would like to go back over the road due to financial situations and home school …

Need to know about online jobs for trucker wives  
Are there any online jobs for truck drivers wifes so she can make a little income on the road with him

Urgent Help Needed - Depression, Marriage and Looking Ahead 
I have been in a 4 months relationship with a Long Distance Trucker. Long Hauling? It is very very depressing for me. I have been crying constantly …

How much are we entitled to know about their day? 
I have been a truckers wife for 32 years, we have 3 kids and 1 grandchild together. He got caught cheating 15 years ago and during that time we sought …

Why does he always want to be gone?  
My husband and I have been married for ten years. The first 7 1/2 he worked in a factory. He got his CDL while there to help fill in part time at the warehouse …

SHE says she loves me very much , but she hides her personal life on the road from me I don't try to pry thing out of her! she is on her cell phone 24/7 …

He says he is a womenizer and cheater because he is lonely 
Some men like my ex husband give a bad reputation to the truck drivers. Like my title said he is a womenizer and a cheater, but he said its because he …

He resents me for being home, and assumes I do nothing all week.  
I work 3 of 4 weekends, and he works Sun night through late Friday most weeks. Sometimes he stops in for a shower or nap when home crosses his path. …

Don't know what to do. Any relationship advice? 
My boyfriend started shortly into our relationship to go from m-f local driver to A long distance driver ment to be home weekends. Lol yeah right. …

Is She Just another driver? 
My husband lost a great job 6 months after purchasing our dream home. He could not find a job, so went to school and received his CDL. He was employed …

It seems he doesnt want to drive local 
He loves OTR, but I want him to find a local job. He is resistant to every local job I have found. He always finds fault in them. Makes me feel he rather …

He feels lonely and overwhelmed. How can I address this? 
My husband has been an over the road truck driver for about 2 months now and is having a really hard time being away from me and our 8 month old daughter. …

Way to long before he comes home.... 
Hi, I'm not married to my trucker but we have been together 3 1/2 years. We met when I was visiting in Ar. and used to see each other a lot as he drove …

My first year living the trucking lifestyle 
My fiancé left in January he is gone 8 weeks at a time. Everyone says it will get better but this last two times he has come home has been great and once …

Just found out my boyfriend is cheating. Any advise or feedback? 
I just found out my otr truck driver boyfriend has cheated and is currently cheating on me

What is considered a major offense in Colorado 
Is violation of a truck route in Oklahoma considered a major offense on a Colorado CDL.

confused about what is happening 
I've been with my trucker for 3 yrs not yet married but he did ask (somewhat) and we've had some UPS and downs not a lot maybe 3. Well a wk b4 Christmas …

How can I remain with a cheating husband teaming with the woman? 
My husband just finished training with a company and he is having to co drive for 6 weeks with another. It happens that the co driver is a woman and …

Click here to write your own.

Confused about what is going on 
My hubby has been driving a truck for about 5 years now. We recently bought a truck and I am his dispatcher. I never had a problem with trust at all …

What are the Pros and Cons of Husband and Wife Living On The Road 
I guess I wonder the pros and cons of living on the road with no home. Just me with her and the good lord My wife and I are in our early 50s. She has …

Relationships seems distant - please help 
My husband has been driving for about 2 years now. He started over the road when our daughter was 3 months old. Its always been hard but lately its …

One foot in, One foot out............... 
I am just looking for some simple advise on what to expect. (This is a lengthy post to give you history) I have been with my truck driving boyfriend …

Online relationships 
I recently caught my trucker bf cheating online. Not physically, but having intimate, sexual and personal conversations with other women. I realize …

not sure what i need to do 
I love my hubby very much and driving was his dream..when he went to school for his cdl every victory he had was mine too.and when he had set backs it …

I need some good ideas on how to organise a sleeper!! 
Give me any tips ideas you have! I'm going over the road with my husband and I want our truck to be organised!

New Relationship with a OTR driver 
So I met this wonderful guy on a dating website and he's a OTR driver. We have only known each other for about 2 weeks but we fell madly in love over the …

lots of kids 
Just curious, why does it seems that so many truckers (men) have lots of children? My husband is a trucker and its just something we've observed in our …

Traveling with Boyfriend Over The Road. What do I take? 
Just asking for suggestions about how to prepare for an OTR trip with my BF. Things to take, not to take... How much time might I have to shower or …

Truck stop internet usage/browsing  
I saw that my BF had logged in to the dating site we met on and if he was wanting to date other people if he time OTR or if he was messaging anyone. …

My husband is having trouble backing up!!!! 
My husband is on his last two weeks of training and he still can't back up!!! He is soooo frustrated, plus his trainer is not letting him practice backing …

husband cheating over the road 
Just wanting to know If any of these women ever been cheated on while there husband is on the road. well mine did and I called the other lady. He had told …

Can I go with my husband ? 
Hello, about ready for my husband to get his CDL and (when he gets hired) to start his OTR driving. I was told two different things about who is/isn't …

Anything I Do Is Never Enough 
My boyfriend has been a truck driver all of his life. We met2 1/2 months ago. He fell head over heels in love with me. I am going through a divorced so …

The one and only love of my life, husband, father, and best friend cheated and took her on Rd with him when I would usually go, or stay home regardless  
I met my Husband while I worked for a Christian drug program and he worked for one also, mine being all women's , his being all men's. We moved back to …

Not sure how I feel with my husband going long hall... 
My husband is doing his course for getting his class one. and he has a contract for him to be going long hall for 2 years. we have 3 young children 10 …

Don't make the same mistake I did.. 
I have been in a relationship for 10 years. several years ago my husband decided to become a driver. I thought I knew what was needed to support him while …

tracking my wife 
Need to find out which company she works for and what truck she driving if I can track her to h I think she's cheating on me truck and I want to find out …

Having trust issues 
Hi! My husband and I are soul mates and I never worried about him cheating on me, I always felt proud of how secure we felt with one another. Unfortunately, …

can we drive in my husband truck/is there any policy? 
Me and my 4 years old son would like to drive little bit in my husband truck. I was trying to reach mva and ask them can we actually drive in his truck. …

how do you know ? 
So my bf and I have been together for almost a year and are discussing taking the next step. I trust this man, I love this man, am proud of him and his …

6 weeks pregnant how long can I go in the truck 
I just found out I am six weeks pregnant and this is our first child. My boyfriend drives every day but Friday night-Sunday afternoon. We are worried …

My hubby is hooked on internet/phone porn sex while on the road he calls etc Philippines who do whatever he wants. He claims he is lonley on the road. …

I feel so sad. Does it get easier? 
My husband just finished his training and was home for two nights. He just left again and will be home in five sleeps (how we count). I don't really …

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Great place here :) 
Hi, my name is Shannon, and my hubby is a long distance driver. It was a scary career change three years ago, but it's been definitely more of a blessing …

dealing with the loneliness of dating a trucker 
My boyfriend of 1 year is a wonderful man and a hard worker that drives for Landstar as an o/o. I love him very much and will never leave him because …

wanna be a truck driver 
i would like to know which truck companies can i trust that i can work for because i have read so much bad things about truck companies and i wanna know …

what is a trucking job like? 
Hi. I am 15 years old and im thinking bout truck driving. i need some advice if i should or not. How is it and is hard when u just start out like making …

Husband is a Trainer and he got a Female Student 
My husband is a trainer, and he got his new student the other day, and she is a female! I'm not to sure how I feel about this? Ive never been insecure …

Worried wife 
My husband is going back to the road tomorrow after almost 3 years , the reason he left it for the first time is because he had a really bad accident on …

Every weekend to three days in four to six weeks 
I am a 31 year old stay at home mom of four kids ages 9, 7, and twins 5. My wonderful 32 year old husband of 11 years has been driving for 9 years. …

Will US Express let me become an owner operator 
I have drove a truck locally like 2 to 300 mile a day about 2 years ago and was wondering if I go with US Express would they let me lease a truck.

what to do when you are not enough 
I have been with my husband for almost 3 years. I have a son by another man and another son that is his they are both under the age of 6. We got married …

I have had it...... 
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years. I have tried to be supportive and at first things were very hard for me with him being gone. …

Couple fighting like crazy 
My boyfriend & I have been together for six years. He recently left out for cdl school & he's been gone 2 wks now. Since two days ago all we have done …

frustrated but unsure 
First i want to say thank you to whoever started this site. I don't feel so alone but i feel like im an emotional wreck. My fiance and i used to practically …

Lola, WI 
My boyfriend of almost 2 years has recently become a truck driver, a dream he has had since he was little. Needless to say I have definitely underestimated …

Doses it get any easier? Anyone else deal with this? 
I have been with my husband for 10 yrs. He has been a truck driver for 6yrs. We have 3 kids and 2 of them have mental disabilities and I deal with a rare …

New Truckers Wife Together 3 years only married 5 months 
Im new at this thing! My husband just left for 6 weeks possibly longer. With-out my husband i feel lost sad depressed. I want him to come home but …

Fighting all the time. 
I have been with my trucker for about 6 years now. We have two children. One is 4, and the other is almost 2. In the beginning I went over the road …

Wife to ride along with hubby otr 
My husband has just started to drive otr. He is still in training with a mentor and seems to really like it but misses me, which is very sweet. We …

getting pregnant .... 
My husband is an otr trucker. He gets home most weekends... we have been trying to get pregnant for about a year. We are kinda concerned but kinda …

Blinded Eye 
I met my new second husband August of last year. We dated a month or so. Then he asked me to marry him. I did in Oct. not knowing him that long. We …

Girlfriend of a long haul truck to cope 
My boyfriend and I have been together for 15 months and have been living together for the last 6 months. I just picked him up today and within three …

Truckers Wife in distress 
Hello my name is Feona I have known my husband for 30 years and we have been married for 15 years. We have 3 beautiful children together. My husband …

Afraid I Can't Do This 
Hi Ladies, Thak you so much for putting up a site like this. I cant tell if it's still being monitored, but I pray that it is, and you wonderful ladies …

female co-drivers 
How do you handle a female co-driver? Thanks

truckers wife wondering about other women calling him 
Obviously my husband of 15 years is a trucker. Several weeks back I noticed his phone just lying on the table and it started to ring. I noticed the call …

A Trucker's Wife of 43 yrs - Making the best of it 
I've been a truckers wife for the better part of 43 years, There have been ups and downs, good times and bad, Lots of kids both our own and ones no one …

Click here to write your own.

All alone.....again. How do I deal with the distance apart? 
My name is Suzi and my hubby is a long haul truck driver. Now I know that the trucking industry is unpredictable and I understand that he can't control …

Scared and confused soon to be truckers wife 
My fiancé has been working for this new company for a couple months now. Things were going great for a while but not so much now. For the last couple weeks …

I am confused and need some honest opinions please... 
Hi...I am 38yrs old and my hubby 32 yrs old. I have been married to my truck driver husband for nearly 10 yrs. Though I had some trust issues before...they …

how do I recover from rollover accident from truck being blown off the road by tornado winds  
Hi! I'm a lady driver who runs teams with my boyfriend of 2 & 1/2 years. About 3 weeks during all of the bad weather (tornado), my truck was literally …

I am busy when he gets home!! 
I have been with my partner for 4 years. He has been a truckdriver for 20. The first year was the hardest adapting to the life, but as I am a very independant …

Is it just me? 
How do I start? I have been with my fiance for 22 years have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. 3 years ago he started to drive truck. With the 1st …

what do i do if a demon pack of timber wolves sent from the God Paul Bunyon in the canopy of the rainforest and my mana runs out from my battle-staff but …

Too much drama with this trucker 
My fiance has been driving over the road for a year now. When he first started driving we talked on the phone a lot. I mean like 8-10 hrs a day! Part …

Trucker don't want to come home to see wife and daughter, Am I Overreacting?  
Hi, I am married to a truck driver and I have a 3 year old daughter. These last four months have been very difficult for me because he has been gone for …

Where did things go wrong? 
I'm a mother of a beautiful two year old girl named Zoe, and I'm also the wife of a trucker. I'm 23, and my husband is 25. He's been trucking now for almost …

Nan and Moe a couple starting out on a trucking career, any advice or opinions? 
We are just starting our trucking career. I plan to go on the road with him as much as possible. We are starting with a very good attitude and are looking …

dianne pa new to trucking life my bf just became 1 
i miss him sooo much just when i ithink i can handle this life i brake down. any advice on how to overcome this sad feeling

pregnant and feeling lonely 
My husband and I have been married for 11 1/2yrs. He started Long haul trucking 5 yrs ago. We had three kids and I just found out I am pregnant with the …

How to join this group? 
Hi to all I am a soon to be wife of a trucker and would love to find "sisterhood" with other trucker's wives and learn the ins and outs of life on the …

Found something that I want to copy.... 
Took my boyfriend to Little Rock, AR today to pick up new truck. On the way back on I40 I saw a White Dodge Ram with the a picture on the back glass. …

a driver herself 
I used to team with my husband. About a year ago we were in a accident. I was driving. The truck was blown over by high winds, My husband blames me, He …

Steps after Buying Your Truck 
I'm considering To become an owner operator. I want to know all the steps to do after i buy my truck, What Do i have to do, like insurance, registration, …

Steps after Buying Your Truck 
Im considering To become an owner operator. I want to know all the steps to do after i buy my truck, What Do i have to do, like insurance, registration, …

Fed Up Being a Truckers Wife 
My husband and I have been married for 15 years. He recently went through the schooling to become a trucker. Getting through the training and being on …

Ronda -trying to get friends to undestand 
I recently posted a letter about my husband being gone a lot and I am angry that it was taken the wrong way. I have no intentions on ever cheating on my …

alone most of the time 
You know it gets so hard having a life of your own when you are waiting for husband to get home. You are afraid of telling him what you are doing-if you …

pinky. Tips for coping as a truckers wife 
how do i not miss him so much? will it get better over time? he just started doing this about six weeks ago i feel lke i'm in a nightmare !!!!! i wait …

is it ok to miss your trucker while he is gone  
I miss my hubby while he is over the road and I tend to worry about him also. is there anything wrong with that ? my daugher misses him terribly. when …

My Life as A Trucker Wife  
My husband spends a lot time a way from home. we brought up 3 kids have 6 grandchildren. I use to go with him over the road. Now I am at home more …

Con Ed Truck driver boyfriend 
Hi Julie and Jennifer. My boyfriend works for con ed. I love him very much, but a few month ago I caught him on a website called eros for call girls. He …

Click here to write your own.

I'm on Holiday!!! 
I have been with my husband for over 13 years. He has always been an over the road driver and due to the economy, we had to move from up north to down …

Rick. I need advice to assure my wife about me becoming a trucker 
I have always wanted to be a Trucker, or at lest as long as I can remember. I have been a traveling electrician for over 6 years now and recently ( back …

At the end of my rope!!!  
My boyfriend and i have been living together for 2 years now and we have two beautiful little girls. We are blessed that he has a weekly dedicated run, …

Lost without phone 
I have been married to a truck driver for 10 years. We've been together since before he started driving trucks 14 years ago. Two years ago, he became an …

i think my boyfriend is cheating over the road 
when we first met and he came home on the weekends he was so excited to see me. now we have been dating for 9mths and he acts like coming home isnt that …

Living on Feelings 
In my 1st marriage I lived with my husband for 6months on the road so when my current husband said he was becoming a trucker I told him when he 1st told …

Really Want to Be Supportive But Not Sure How 
I've been dating a trucker for just over 2 short months. I am 55. He is 59. He's been a truck driver for 35yrs. He was married almost 28 years and then …

Truck Drivers Wife Needs Relationship Advice 
I am wondering if you have any suggestions for me. We have been through a lot in the last year. We lost our home and in the meantime, my husband took a …

Need Relationship Advice for Newly Weds.  
My husband and I were just married in May of 09', I'm 30 years old and he's 39. Everything before we were married were just wonderful! Since the …

Who are the best trucking companies to work for? 
Hello, I just finished my truck driving school course and received my class a with all endorsements plus haz mat. Can you please give me some …

Missing my man  
Hello everyone, Happy Holidays, my thoughts and prayers are with each of you that do not get to spend the Holidays with your husbands and boyfriends. …

Diann From Mn Finds Hope for Relationship 
Crazy in love in Minnesota with my truck driver. Wow I am so glad I found this website, It has started to give me hope. Hearing other women's stories and …

Dating a Trucker Who Wants To Spends His Time With Friends and Family 
I have been dating a truck driver for almost 3 years and he lives in another state so we rarely get time to see each other. How can I get him to understand …

New Sister Site For Truckers Wives 
Hey All, We have finally added a blog, and a facebook- getting with the times I suppose. I have not done much with the blog as of yet, but it is available …

Truckers wife with questions  
I think that my husband is cheating on me over the road! How would I know for sure and since he is all over the country will I ever know if it does happen? …

Confused - Is my trucking boyfriend cheating or frustrated? 
My boyfriend and I have not been together long even though we moved in together not long into the relationship. He is a over the road driver and I am …

texas trucker thinking of hauling hot oil for Ruan 
I am currently a company driver with the same company for the last 5 years i drive only in texas they pay me 17.00 bucks hr i take home about 1,200 every …

Greater Pittsburgh/Erie/Youngstown Area Truck Driving Families Needed 
Casting Television Show about Trucker Wives New television series looking for truck driver families willing to share their lives with us. We are looking …

I'm new to all of this, Im so glad i found this site! 
Hello! Ive been reading some of the posts and i can tell this is a really supportive community. Its so nice to find a place where i can ask a few questions …

How can I trust my husband while he is trucking 
I am new to being a truck drivers wife. I am 25 years old and I am a little on the jealous side. My husband has been faithful to me for 6 years, but i …

New Relationship 
I have recently met someone from an online dating site and as it turns out he is a trucker. Funny enough I have said I would never remarry unless it was …

How do you trust someone that does not trust you? 
Generally speaking, Is it possible to trust someone that does not trust you? Even after years of being there for the person when family or friends were …

does anyone know the best truck driving school to attend for class a cdl training 
I am looking at several schools for cdl training the first school I was looking at was Roadmaster in Columbus, Ohio. It was a 3 week course 6 days a …

Discouraged/confused wife 
Bluntly is all I know to be at this point, I'm sorry. My husband (otr driver) and I trying to reconcile our marriage. He was homeless in truck driving …

I cant be the only one 
Hi,my husband has been a truck driver for a year now. He is a trainer at the company he works for, he currently is training a female driver. He is over …

Click here to write your own.

sick of trucker life 
I met my trucker husband, five years ago. We met on an online dating site, where he lied about what he did. If he would have told me what he did for a …

You Must Trust the Other Person Not rated yet
If you are a co-dependent person then you must learn to figure out which part of you is dependent on another person if you are a truck driver or whatever …

Trust issues with trucker while gone on the road Not rated yet
How can a truckers wife lay down her trust issues when he's on the road for long periods after the one time of his having an emotional affair?

Bad company and recourse ? Not rated yet
The dm my husband had lies all the time saying he never told my husband to that X. People my husband could have lost this life 3 times in the last …

Scheduling Messages to Family at Home Not rated yet
I use to have a lot of issues keeping in touch with my family, and making sure they knew I was thinking of them. That is until I started using an app …

Boyfriend is a truck driver he trains females  Not rated yet
The thing that bothers me the most is that they sleep in a truck together

Unhappy truckers wife tired of fighting Not rated yet
Ok been doing this 12 years. Ups,downs,good and bad.... It hasn't always been easy which im sure you know. We have one kid and hes never home. Here's …

How to stop panicking and over reacting  Not rated yet
I'm currently only just a girlfriend of a truck driver. We both love each other very much. I try so hard to let him know I love him and to keep him …

Wont answer the phone some nights and he gets upset Not rated yet
He wont answer the phone some nights and he gets upset. Any advice?

Home time spent with friends Not rated yet
My boyfriend finally returned home after two months. I was so excited I baked, cooked, and took off of work to be with him; however, after being home …

truckers girlfriend/wife for 5 years allways feeling letdown Not rated yet
so me and my SO (who is the OTR trucker) rarely see each other these days due to us getting a second truck and a driver for it. also im working full time …

Need Help surprising husband while he is over the road Not rated yet
My husband has been OTR since Dec 26th, 2016 and it's been pretty rough since he has been gone over a month now. He is the type of man that if something …

Lack of Communication and Feeling Taken for Granted... Not rated yet
I understand life in the road can be stressful. You never know exactly what's going to happen. I've learned over the years to be patient and go with the …

Trucker Boyfriend of 7mths talks to "Old Lady" Friend ALOT on phone, should I be concerned? Not rated yet
I've been dating my trucker boyfriend for about 7 months now. I have a class A CDL as well I just don't use it. He has had a friend, an older lady, he …

20 year old daughter side kick  Not rated yet
Is it weird for an otr driver to have his 20 year old daughter as a passenger while he's on the road for a month at a time? Just wondering out loud.

How can I best serve my overworked driver? Not rated yet
My husband drives local so he is home every night but it is direct from the farm...(different DOT drive time allowances) So his days are really …

Trucker's wife Not rated yet
My husband will soon begin his new trucking career. He is apprehensive about being gone, missing out on our little girl's growing,wondering whether I'll …

Boyfriend wants me to become an OTR driver... Not rated yet
My boyfriend of 3 years wants me to become an OTR driver so we can be a team. My only issue with that is...trucks. I am afraid to drive next to them. Even …

Advice about getting pregnant Not rated yet
My fiancé is an OTR driver we're trying to get conceive we've been trying for 2 months now , he is only home 4 days out of a month , I'm used to that now …

Twisted emotions Not rated yet
How do you handle and help your husband when he becomes stressed about the day or road while you are on the phone?

Is this anxiety normal? Not rated yet
After a year and a half of being single, dealing with bad relationship anxiety and 500 awful first dates I wanted to give up. Then I met my trucker. We …

Ride along: when is it time for their ride along to go home?!  Not rated yet
My wonderful boyfriend is a OTR trucker and he has a ride along... He said it would be only for the summer season but here it is, almost wouldn't …

Trucker girlfriend newbie Not rated yet
I joined an online dating sight about 2 and a half months ago. I had also decided that it was time to move on to a new job as I have worked 9 years in …

Are there trucking companies that offer competitive benefits Not rated yet
14 years together. 13 of long haul trucking. I see him every two or two and a half weeks for two days. Used to it but am hoping to travel with him next …

Wife ride along Not rated yet
I am looking at getting my own truck to go otr and my wife and i decided we should sell all our belongings and just go over the road, do yall know many …

Click here to write your own.

Help needed. I need more time with my future husband Not rated yet
My soon to be husband works 70 hours Monday through Friday, off Saturdays and Sundays. I am going to school to be a delivery nurse and I will eventually …

Need a trucking job, cdl graduate last week with less than perfect past, perfect mvr, Not rated yet
anyone know where i can go besides Carolina cargo ? i am a hard worker, i made mistakes , sure. but the past 5 yrs are mvr is clear, i am honorably …

How do I check on my husband to see if he is OK Not rated yet
So, my husband is a new truck driver. 48 hours ago we hung up the phone and said we'd talk later that night. well his phone now goes straight to voice …

Being tracked and accused, need advice Not rated yet
My husband has started tracking me and always accuses me of something. I understand that he is OTR but this is ridiculous. His co-driver is a woman and …

Ready for OTR living? Not rated yet
Hi, my name is Joanna. My husband and I have been married a year ago last Sunday. We've recently been discussing our options of going back otr. He was …

family vs independence Not rated yet
My husband Nathan just took a new job as a flat bed driver. The pay is better and we are very happy. His new job is out of north carolina and only haul …

what should i take with me? Not rated yet
My sweetheart tried to find a local job driving but wasn't able to, he's been a trucker 14 years and decided he was going to go back OTR. He has invited …

Is there any company that will hire me I have a accident on my records and its a year old please help Not rated yet
Is there any company that will hire me I have a accident on my records and its a year old please help

Advice for a student trucker Not rated yet
Hello, I'm Sammie and I am hoping I can find a bit of advice here. I am having some problem downshifting and also straight line backing. I feel that …

New Girlfriend of a Trucker, best way to communicate  Not rated yet
Help, what is the best way to communicate with my trucker while he is on the road? Salelite phone, cell phone, GPS device, Satelite walkie talkies? …

Im new to my bf being on OTR driver...any tips for dealing with it would be greatly appreciated :) Not rated yet
My bf just recently started driving a truck. We have only been together a little over a year, so I worry how our relationship will be with him being gone …

Boyfriend is new truck driver and doesn't trust me Not rated yet
We've been dating for over 3 months and he pretty much lives with me. He just started truck driving a month ago and is still with a trainer. My issue …

Newlywed truckers wife can use some words of advice Not rated yet
My husband and I just got married 3 weeks ago. We moved and got married in the same week...word to the wise, not wise to do but a must if your husband …

Husband got hospitalized while out on the road Not rated yet
My husband is a driver, he was in the Baytown area of Houston. He had to be taken to the hospital by police, when I called them no one knew anything. …

temple tx truck driving jobs after an accident Not rated yet
list of small trucking companies hiring near temple Texas. _____________________________________________- Temple Tx truck driving jobs

I feel he's paying other woman bills he's always getting cash advances Not rated yet
I'm not to sure what he's doing with all of his money, but he send me money when ever I need it. I checked his account the other day, and every week …

How do you fold the tarps in freezing winter weather Not rated yet
My boyfriend has been truck driving for over a year now. He takes good care of the truck and equipment, but with all this bad winter weather and negative …

looking to get back on the road Not rated yet
I'm looking for a owner operator advice and mentor if interested please contact me at we can start from there thank you.. _____________________ …

shellgoodin Not rated yet
I am at risk of loosing my love of 5 yrs. because he has decided he really likes being out on the road and our plans for him to get a good paying job that …

At the end of Line !!! Not rated yet
I am going through hell right now, my son and i was friends with a truck driver, he has been to our house, we knew him about 8mths. It has been nothing …

dating a truck driver Not rated yet
When hes away..if a say lil thing, he got mad cuz he thinks I am insecure...make me too scare to ask ?....what is ur advice for that

New Support Group- Not rated yet
Hi Guys, we are finally getting with the times, and have created a facebook!! Please feel free to Add us, as well as check out the support group. …

Click here to write your own.

truckers advice about relationships

Advice for Truckers and Trucker WivesTop
Truckers Wives
Life as A Trucker

Marriage Advice

4 Common Problem Starters

If you need marriage advice or marriage counseling you really want to get it before trucking becomes a part of the picture. Both of you deserve to to have a fair chance at happiness. Relationships are the cornerstone of life and happiness and that relationship between a husband and wife should be the strongest each of you are in.

Keith's (Jennifer's Husband)

Advice from Larry about Marriage

I'm laughing (as always)but it's really not funny when a relationship is infiltrated by a third party. But just think of how many relationships are infiltrated because the person who gave in to temptation did it because their spouse were not attentive and nurturing to the relationship which leaves the spouse lonely and empty. Yous guys, please take care of your relationships and if you have problems, you can get CD's to listen to going down the highway to for good advice and insight for how to build healthy strong relationships and marriages.

Also if you just find AFR (American Family Radio), Bot Radio Network or other Christian talk stations, you will learn core values needed to think in a way that benefits your relationships. Also there are lectures given directly addressing the issue of creating or even restoring the marriage. Other call in shows dealing with relationships will also give you insight as to what causes problems and how to address them. So there is plenty of help out there, use it.

Most people were not raised in an environment where these things were taught or modeling in many cases so don't feel there is something wrong with you needing to gain knowledge to help you in this area. If you were raised in a single parent home (and don't waste time giving me grief about keeping it real, do some research is you have a problem with this statement) you should especially be receptive to listening to CDs or reading about building healthy relationships.

Marriage Advice Video

More tips for the road from Jennifer.

Advantages of Trucking
Disadvantages of Becoming a Trucker