Thanks for coming by. These experienced ladies can offer you great advice about your relationships or parenting as a truckers wife. I might even make an attempt.
If any of you want to answer questions also. Feel free to add your opinion the more responses the more interesting. Please don't put your last names just the first and state if you want. (Also remember your spouse will likely visit the site one day. If your airing issues you wish not to be confronted about airing someday, you may want to use a alias name and location, that's fine too)
Also, remember we are trying to be helpful and constructive, so no need to be nasty or hateful to anyone. Thanks
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Bad company and recourse ? Not rated yet
The dm my husband had lies all the time saying he never told my husband to that X.
People my husband could have lost this life 3 times in the last …
Scheduling Messages to Family at Home Not rated yet
I use to have a lot of issues keeping in touch with my family, and making sure they knew I was thinking of them.
That is until I started using an app …
Unhappy truckers wife tired of fighting Not rated yet
Ok been doing this 12 years. Ups,downs,good and bad.... It hasn't always been easy which im sure you know.
We have one kid and hes never home. Here's …
How to stop panicking and over reacting Not rated yet
I'm currently only just a girlfriend of a truck driver. We both love each other very much.
I try so hard to let him know I love him and to keep him …
Home time spent with friends Not rated yet
My boyfriend finally returned home after two months. I was so excited I baked, cooked, and took off of work to be with him; however, after being home …
20 year old daughter side kick Not rated yet
Is it weird for an otr driver to have his 20 year old daughter as a passenger while he's on the road for a month at a time? Just wondering out loud.
How can I best serve my overworked driver? Not rated yet
My husband drives local so he is home every night but it is direct from the farm...(different DOT drive time allowances) So his days are really …
Trucker's wife Not rated yet
My husband will soon begin his new trucking career. He is apprehensive about being gone, missing out on our little girl's growing,wondering whether I'll …
Advice about getting pregnant Not rated yet
My fiancé is an OTR driver we're trying to get conceive we've been trying for 2 months now , he is only home 4 days out of a month , I'm used to that now …
Twisted emotions Not rated yet
How do you handle and help your husband when he becomes stressed about the day or road while you are on the phone?
Is this anxiety normal? Not rated yet
After a year and a half of being single, dealing with bad relationship anxiety and 500 awful first dates I wanted to give up. Then I met my trucker. We …
Trucker girlfriend newbie Not rated yet
I joined an online dating sight about 2 and a half months ago. I had also decided that it was time to move on to a new job as I have worked 9 years in …
Wife ride along Not rated yet
I am looking at getting my own truck to go otr and my wife and i decided we should sell all our belongings and just go over the road, do yall know many …
Being tracked and accused, need advice Not rated yet
My husband has started tracking me and always accuses me of something. I understand that he is OTR but this is ridiculous. His co-driver is a woman and …
Ready for OTR living? Not rated yet
Hi, my name is Joanna. My husband and I have been married a year ago last Sunday. We've recently been discussing our options of going back otr. He was …
family vs independence Not rated yet
My husband Nathan just took a new job as a flat bed driver. The pay is better and we are very happy. His new job is out of north carolina and only haul …
what should i take with me? Not rated yet
My sweetheart tried to find a local job driving but wasn't able to, he's been a trucker 14 years and decided he was going to go back OTR. He has invited …
Advice for a student trucker Not rated yet
Hello, I'm Sammie and I am hoping I can find a bit of advice here. I am having some problem downshifting and also straight line backing.
I feel that …
looking to get back on the road Not rated yet
I'm looking for a owner operator advice and mentor if interested please contact me at
we can start from there thank you..
_____________________ …
shellgoodin Not rated yet
I am at risk of loosing my love of 5 yrs. because he has decided he really likes being out on the road and our plans for him to get a good paying job that …
At the end of Line !!! Not rated yet
I am going through hell right now, my son and i was friends with a truck driver, he has been to our house, we knew him about 8mths. It has been nothing …
dating a truck driver Not rated yet
When hes away..if a say lil thing, he got mad cuz he thinks I am insecure...make me too scare to ask ?....what is ur advice for that
New Support Group- Not rated yet
Hi Guys,
we are finally getting with the times, and have created a facebook!!
Please feel free to Add us, as well as check out the support group. …
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