Ladies, post your personal experience about life as a lady driver at the bottom of the page. Thanks for sharing!
It was only a matter of time before trucking companies started actively recruiting women. Women in trucking are like the new trend but with good reason. I have heard a trainer say more than once that they rather train a woman than a man. Some even brag about women's driving skills by the time they are done with training.
Generally women drive less aggressive and more cautiously than men, so that should also mean they are less likely to be involved in accidents.
Perhaps this occurs because men resist the trainer's instruction being more focused on 'getting it himself' while the woman is fully attentive and absorbs each step as its given. Who knows, that's my theory anyway.
What I do know is there are a lot more women in trucking now than
it was 10 years ago when I started. I see women driving every
day out here now. I have so much respect to see anyone doing anything as a minority. I think it takes a special type of person.
Over the road as a woman driving for a living.
This is Gene, a lady trucker I met and interviewed at a Huntsville, Alabama truckstop earlier this year. Gene is what we call, good people. I realized this after talking to her for about 2 mins. She didn't hesitate to share her experience. In this video about trucking life for women, Gene talks about her experience and gives great advice for life in general.
Women in trucking have both advantages and disadvantages. Just like a male driver, ask 10 ladies and you get 10 varying degrees of yes it is harder and no it is not. What does that tell you? It means, it has a lot to do with the individual's attitude, expectations, and perspective of what she experiences. You will get some who see it a plus to be a lady and others see challenges that they attribute to being a lady driver.
A big advantage is of course there are plenty of drivers out here who are anxious to cater to a woman's needs on the road whether its with directions on the CB, radio checks, fixing on the truck, etc. (Now, this is from both good home training or it could be from perversion so be careful, read into their wishful intent lol!)
Sometimes a woman can get on the radio just to ask a question and get offered a free meal at the truck stop! But guess what....Some women believe it or not, take offense.
Something as simple as that can be perceived differently depending on the person it's directed toward.
I've never seen a woman at a shipper or receiver being treated much differently than a man in a bad way. I imagine it has happened, but I say that because for some women act like everything that they do is met with a nasty attitude. That is just not true and I don't want other women to stay out of trucking believing that crap. That's just a very negative woman who perceives everything through that lens.
If you are a woman in trucking reading this, I would be
interested in and greatly appreciate your input on how it is to be a
lady trucker in more detail at the bottom. Obviously I can speak for all of you, I know that. I am giving my account from observation (on purpose), conversation and interviews with women truckers.
A disadvantage of being a lady trucker however is basically the same as the advantage. Special attention! Some ladies don't want it and I have to admit, it isn't uncommon for there to be overreaction and extra.
Though the drivers means well most of the time, there's been plenty of times that the woman doesn't really sound like she has time to waste or whatever and is only trying to get directions to somewhere and the drivers are talking over each other trying to sweet talk her instead of letting her get directions.
Even after getting brushed off sometimes they go on and on and even I get irritated, so I am pretty sure the ladies get irritated.
Lady Owner Operator Shares her journey
This young lady started off as a truckers wife. One thing led to another. After divorce, she became an owner operator. Not without struggles. But a positive attitude and determination led to success in trucking life.
Smart young lady Portia give great advice during this interview by NJ Katwoman out of Jersey. Yes Katwoman is a trucker also. She is doing the Lady Trucker Chronicles. Ladies Check this interview for some wisdom to live by on the road
Every now and then a lady truckers gets on the CB radio and a few ignorant drivers are happy to respond. He may respond as if the lady trucker is a lot lizard. Sometimes they even know the woman hadn't said anything indicating she is a lot lizard and they call them selves being funny and disrespect the ladies.
Sometimes the truck drivers are serious and even talk nasty to the woman when she puts him in check. Mature, seasoned ladies simply ignore them and let them look stupid and they shut up.
Now, if a lady just feels like this is entertainment for her, then all she has to do is respond and they can go back and forth all night. Fair or not that is pretty much how it works. Same thing with the race issue. Most of the time all the clowns want is a reaction from the person they attack from the dark.
Most of the time when a male driver tries to talk junk to a legitimate lady trucker someone else jumps on his case and puts him in check before the lady can even respond a second time.
I was happy to run across this young lady's video. Tammy will tell you about life as a lady trucker up in Canada. Great interview of her by her! LOL
Should women let the ignorant few discourage them from becoming a trucker?
NO, for the most part you will be treated in a way based on how you present yourself (in person and on the radio).
If you are harassed by a driver depending your personality type either put him in place and then don't satisfy him by continuing the interchange or ignore him all together. And let us put him in place.
What ever you do, don't take it personal. There are ignorant people out here just like anywhere it else except as a trucker they have an anonymous way to let it show with the CB Radio and they take full advantage of doing that. (again just like the racial slurs, etc. No big deal.)
More From Women in Trucking Click Here Lady Truckers
Lady Truckers post your experience below
Ladies, tell us how life is for your on the road. Do you feel you are treated differently? If so, in what ways. Is it better or worst than men.
Do you think you have more or less benefits than the male drivers.
Do the guys get on your nerves on the CB radio?
Let us in your world! What's it like to be a women living a trucker's life.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
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Sharon S. Eddy
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I …
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I obtained my CDL A in 1999 and …
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I learned more on my own then …
Ms. Asia
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Lady Driver Of One Year - my experience has been...
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Just like the boys
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This is what we offer
-salary pay
- safety bonus
- breakdown pay
- …
Old lady trucker Not rated yet
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21st century! Not rated yet
This is something that I really want to see on the net. Thanks for sharing. Great!
I had a feeling of being a little girl in a man's world - Tnt female Not rated yet
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Ce Ce Moreland/ Women Owned Staffing Agency Not rated yet
People Services Staffing and Minority/Woman Owned Staffing Agency is hiring CDL Truck Drivers - Local and Regional for Nationwide positions.
Please …
Honeybee - Its a hard life Not rated yet
I have drove for the past 32 years and a Big yes to being treated differently an not just by men but the general public as well.
I own my truck and …
PBX Logistics Ltd. truck driver Not rated yet
Hi there,
I often find my female trucking friends telling of stories where they are paid a lower wage than a man of same experience and skill.
I …
looking for a lost friend named Camille called Hurricane Lady on CB Not rated yet
I'm looking for a friend that was a dispatcher for bo weivel in henderson was around late 1995 early 1996 her name is Camille had her CB handle …
Future trucker driver Not rated yet
I am a retired male and i am seriously considering going into truck driving. Back in the late 90's, i went to truck driving school, was able to get my …
Future trucker driver Not rated yet
I am a retired male and i am seriously considering going into truck driving. Back in the late 90's, i went to truck driving school, was able to get my …
Lady trucker with 17 driving experience - my insight Not rated yet
I agree with the other ladies
It's all about how you conduct yourself.I've been driving for 17 years and I've learned a lot about who I can talk to and …
Tips for women thinking of becoming a trucker Not rated yet
Hi my name is Vicky. I have been driving for three years. I love my job. I started 6 months after my husband died and I needed to make enough money to …
Enjoying Trucking As a Lady Driver Not rated yet
I feel no different out there. I believe it is a lot to how you present yourself to the trucking world. I have never really felt like I was treated any …
Queen of truckin - Tried to get away from him Not rated yet
Some men are like not all but some. It is a shame. One time I was driving down the road and passed another semi. Two seconds later he was passing me, which …
Soon trucking won't be a male dominated industry. Not rated yet
There are two things women talk the most about.
Either their barging about how superior they are or they are complaining about men harassing them. The …
Sparkplug Not rated yet
I used to be an OTR driver and I am now blessed enough to have a driving position in the oilfields moving frac equipment and it is an extremely awesome …
Finding a companion as team driver Not rated yet
Hi, I have some questions that I would like at ask. do any of you women drivers have a hard time finding a mate meaning a guy to share your career of driving …
Life on the road as a woman driver - Titan360 Not rated yet
Life out on the road is pretty great! The freedom of doing my own thing basically gives me courage to put up with the rest of the world.
Being treated …
How I got over. Not rated yet
I graduated truck school and passed bmv testing to get my cal license. I love trucking, traveling, and meeting other lady drivers.
I'm finding out …
Casting Call for women in trucking Not rated yet
Does the bumpy road test the strength of your relationship? Do you work together as a team ensuring that the drops are …
Free Spirited Lady Not rated yet
I entered the trucking industry just 10 months ago because of a few reasons: 1) I was only offered $12.00 an hour to utilize a recently obtained MA in …
Husband &Wife Trucking Life OTR Not rated yet
Hello, Well it is like you stated above as far as being a female driving. I went with a trainer with the company my husband started out with. We felt it …
Women Dont Have it More Difficult in My Experience Not rated yet
I'm a driver with 5 years experience. I recently changed things up by driving for a company that specializes in hazmat tanker, roll off boxes, flat …
lady truckers from my experience Not rated yet
I've been trucking now for about a year and a half. It's been good to me thusfar. I have enjoyed the challenge. I drive team with my husband. …
long time trucker here on women in trucking Not rated yet
Women in trucking is nothing new, they started hiring women to drive trucks back in the 1970s I met and talked and ran down the road with some of them. …
Lady Trucker Comic Book - Your Stories Wanted Not rated yet
I'm doing a comic book inspired by a friend who, at 18, was driving a big rig with her boyfriend at the time. This was back in the late 70's-early …
California strawberry Not rated yet
Well I really can't say a lot except that I love my job and and I've been doing it for 33 years. It's a hard life I wouldn't pick any other lifestyle …
Finally a career I love. Not rated yet
I was married at a very young age. That was a disaster. 2nd time wasn't much better. Was living in Canada and came back to the U.S. Went back to work as …
Women trucking Not rated yet
I haven't had any bad experiences as of yet. I've only been driving 7 weeks. As far as drops and such.
Now 4 wheelers are jerks. Cutting me off or …
Its a Wonderful Life Not rated yet
I've been driving now for 10 years and I love it more each year. I always respond with sincere appreciation when other drivers hold a door open or offer …
Third generation trucker - Ga Girl Not rated yet
We have lots of advantages, I think. I always got special treatment 95% of the time from shippers and receivers for example I might get loaded and unloaded …
Lady Driver retired after 20 years! Not rated yet
I started driving back in 1988 and it was great for a while. I made a lot of money over the years and ended up pulling Flat beds because I thought it was …
tenderheartpat Not rated yet
Trucker since 1967. First thing people say they cannot believe I am a trucker. Especially when flatbeding.
Trucking is by far better now for woman. …
Introduction Not rated yet
Hey Everyone!
Very new to all this blog and internet world on a publishing level. So much to learn!
My name is Ruth Lovie, Lovie is my middle name and …
Michele - My trucking life Not rated yet
I am a lady trucker from Canada. I started this profession back in 1990 with my common law partner. My partner already had 20 years under his belt …
My next challenge Not rated yet
I'm just unemployed and i'm going to subscribe to a truck driving school. I used to drive the school bus for 4 years "the big one" and i loved it, but …
Going for It! Not rated yet
Tammy, Thanks for all your input on this site. I was really impressed with your outlook as a female driver. You've encouraged me to take the chance and …
new driver soon in california Not rated yet
nices truckers ladys ..keep doing. I try to get my license as a truck driver. and i hope went i done with my trainer can find a job i know went you new …
Training Specialist Not rated yet
I have been around trucks all my life and that is what lead me to become an experienced OTR driver, driving piggyback decked trucks from coast to coast. …
Yes I'm a trucker too Not rated yet
I was a solo driver for a year, till I married, now we team. I wouldn't have it any other way. I found it hard to be alone so much.
It's interesting …
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