2 nd chance truckers listen to the un perfect trucker

by dwest

dont give up apply find out what kinda frieght is being hauled your area.

Apply for hazmat get a twic card railyard s container companys usually hire often tankers lease purchase companys are out there and they'll hire u and may seam like a scam but once u figure out fuel you will make money.

I did a lease purchase at ptl 1.30 a mile that's with fuel surcharge included but i had a truck with a lot of issues but the 6 months i worked there was enough get back in a truck good driving record and i moved on to container work at the ports in GA.

I got my twic my hazmat doubles triples tankers im maxed out 1 possession of cocaine charge,simple batt misdemeanor battery misdemeanor and obstruction of an officer mis dameanor i was on first offenders probation for the possession of cocaine although it was expunged it still showed up on dac

But anyway i just wanted to put my 2 cents in and use my exp and also be careful cause this csa thang is crazy and container drivers log trucks and hazmat drivers are a big target at the scale

I stood there personally and watched the way they reacted to certain trucks and at one point observed them run outside just to stop a tanker so be careful and don't give up any questions feel free to ask me

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Aug 17, 2012
1 more thang NEW
by: dwest912

There is a shortage. Of truck drivers should use that to your advantage. I read a lot of articles. About that and if drivers are in high demand better chance to get a job and you can't be picky about who u work for when odds against you there are hundreds of trucking company's owner operators need drivers and I also drove a garbage truck for 7 months so there is a wide area don't be afraid to apply for a hazmat inless u definitely know your offense disqualify you but even then there are appeals you can file but I was scared to apply for hazmat but I did took another chance that turnt out to be a good one

Aug 17, 2012
mmm didnt believe you?? NEW
by: Anonymous

Nothing personal at all...Never said it was a matter of disbelief.... your experience and all...... what I did say in the post was I am glad you are working now and not out committing crimes............drug or otherwise.

Keep up the good work!!

Aug 17, 2012
once again NEW
by: dwest912

I'm not maken it sound easy everything. I wrote is my life and experience and I was never on cocaine it was in my possion Anway believe. Me or not I took a chance and didn't give up I drive everyday

Aug 16, 2012
Not all states have the same rules.......... NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes in your state it takes 2 weeks but not in my state. There is a process.

First you must be clear of felony crime and parole for 7-10 years depending on crimes. Prison time while being served does not count as being free of crime. It begins after you are out and parole is complete and you are discharged from the state. Then the time begins. Which for some could be very lengthy. Some crimes here carry 10-20 years probation. Some people discharge out of state prison. Then their time can begin.

The process for us is you must contact the court of conviction and submit the proper paper work and IF they want to expunge it is left up to them. If you have a lengthy record they may not consider but after a very long period they will, but you must prove yourself.

Here trucking firms hate to hire druggies they are a high risk this started back in the 90's. Plus their are people who have no records and have college degrees competing for these jobs trucking jobs now.

Tell me who would you pick out of the applicants first??? I sure would not pick the criminal.

I'm just saying yes people do deserve second chances but most of them end up in messed up spots where they get ripped off. So they need to see the whole picture before they take chances pulling money out of their pockets and waste a lot of time training and then 25/75 chance they will get hired on somewhere.

I'm just saying it's not as easy as it sounds all states are different.

Aug 16, 2012
continued NEW
by: dwest 912

i started trucking in 2008 and i was still on probation for the first offender cocanine possion and all those other charges where in 2007 got hired on with swift quit swift and went to allen frieght then quit them to try n work for pepsi got denied try to go back to allen frieght then hire right found my first offendr charge so it stoped truckin in 2009 with 12 months otr built up i didnt expunge my record till 2011 and after i did i drove for pachall and now pulling containters in the port my chrages are all over 5 years and i think in 09 if i didnt have the three accidents i had i could trucked so more no problem every thing is weighed on you mvr,background but if u gotta clean csa and clean mvr theyll hire the hell out of u lol lol in 2011 when i went to paschall they call me back the same day with a job offer for lease purchase didnt have to start back with a trainer or nothing and they told me everything was fine so thats why i say sometimes you gott a get in where you fit and let time fly even if its not the best trucking company and do it safely the expungment process took bout 2 weeks all together and once the da signs off and you mail it wherever they tell you its done soon as they receive it i dont have trucking buddys getting me job s from day one i went to tech school got my cdls and applied to swift and i was hired and i believe mainly because i had nothing on me far as mvr and accidents but thats a brief run down and independet its wat i did to get back into trucking after i was out of it for 2 years like i said they was ready to put me in a lease purchase deal trying to scam but i was scammin to cause i was like i gotta do it long enough build some reasont experience

Aug 16, 2012
Great NEW
by: Anonymous

Now this is exactly what individuals need to know. It takes a lot of work to get you where you are today and it isn't an easy road. And where I'm from they will not even consider you if you have a record. Swift, J.B. Hunter, C.R. England, you name it they are not looking for criminals working for their company.

But I do know looking for independent work through a friend and years of driving and experience is a good way to work if you do have a criminal record.

Good for you and more power to you!!

Aug 16, 2012
continued NEW
by: dwest 912

i started trucking in 2008 and i was still on probation for the first offender cocanine possion and all those other charges where in 2007 got hired on with swift quit swift and went to allen frieght then quit them to try n work for pepsi got denied try to go back to allen frieght then hire right found my first offendr charge so it stoped truckin in 2009 with 12 months otr built up i didnt expunge my record till 2011 and after i did i drove for pachall and now pulling containters in the port my chrages are all over 5 years and i think in 09 if i didnt have the three accidents i had i could trucked so more no problem every thing is weighed on you mvr,background but if u gotta clean csa and clean mvr theyll hire the hell out of u lol lol in 2011 when i went to paschall they call me back the same day with a job offer for lease purchase didnt have to start back with a trainer or nothing and they told me everything was fine so thats why i say sometimes you gott a get in where you fit and let time fly even if its not the best trucking company and do it safely the expungment process took bout 2 weeks all together and once the da signs off and you mail it wherever they tell you its done soon as they receive it i dont have trucking buddys getting me job s from day one i went to tech school got my cdls and applied to swift and i was hired and i believe mainly because i had nothing on me far as mvr and accidents but thats a brief run down and independet its wat i did to get back into trucking after i was out of it for 2 years like i said they was ready to put me in a lease purchase deal trying to scam but i was scammin to cause i was like i gotta do it long enough build some reasont experience

Aug 16, 2012
reply NEW
by: dwest912

I went. To the sheriff office that's who arrested me and told them I wanted my feolny expunged they gave me a paper to fill out had to get a copy of my background check gave then the paper to give to the day office day office signed off on it I Ans mail the papers. Back to me to send them to Atlanta with 25 dollar's sample seal and delivery and dac aka hire right is the only place it shows up for reasons unknown

Aug 16, 2012
Maybe true for some NEW
by: Anonymous

Although what you have stated may be true for you, you did not include what you had to go through to have your record expunged? how long did you have to wait? How many companies did you have to apply to before you were hired?

Even if your record is expunged. Felonies can only be sealed for employment reasons, they remain on your criminal records forever and only people who want to hire you cannot see them. But in the case of truck drivers they pull up the justice report which cannot hide the fact your a felon or other criminal cases.

Although anything is possible and I am sure you are working now but how you did it is unclear. If your owner operator okay, if your independent okay, but any other trucking position would be hard to obtain, unless a buddy got you in. In that case the employer would have not screened you.

I have watched many individuals be turned down for trucking jobs for the very reasons you have posted and its a long road for them to be able to drive and this should be expressed.

But I am happy you are working and not out committing crimes anymore, more power to you.

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