2 nd chance truckers listen to the un perfect trucker
by dwest
dont give up apply find out what kinda frieght is being hauled your area.
Apply for hazmat get a twic card railyard s container companys usually hire often tankers lease purchase companys are out there and they'll hire u and may seam like a scam but once u figure out fuel you will make money.
I did a lease purchase at ptl 1.30 a mile that's with fuel surcharge included but i had a truck with a lot of issues but the 6 months i worked there was enough get back in a truck good driving record and i moved on to container work at the ports in GA.
I got my twic my hazmat doubles triples tankers im maxed out 1 possession of cocaine charge,simple batt misdemeanor battery misdemeanor and obstruction of an officer mis dameanor i was on first offenders probation for the possession of cocaine although it was expunged it still showed up on dac
But anyway i just wanted to put my 2 cents in and use my exp and also be careful cause this csa thang is crazy and container drivers log trucks and hazmat drivers are a big target at the scale
I stood there personally and watched the way they reacted to certain trucks and at one point observed them run outside just to stop a tanker so be careful and don't give up any questions feel free to ask me