22 year old drug poss with intent

by Russell

I have a felony conviction for poss. w\intent. I need to know what trucking companies will hire me.

I live in IL. Waerner replied to my application with a big fat NO!!

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Jun 08, 2015
Western express NEW
by: Anonymous

man i tryed western express they said no my conviction was 2008 for marijuana still a no

May 14, 2014
Western express NEW
by: Anonymous

Try western express they hired me with a 7 year old felony

May 14, 2014
expungement NEW
by: Anonymous

If I were you, I would find a lawyer or maybe the Public Defenders office and try to get it expunged. Unless your conviction was in a state that holds it against you for life ? If you have been clean all these years, you owe it to yourself to look into it. Then you can legally say no to the felony. Good luck.

May 14, 2014
keep trying NEW
by: Anonymous

its tough but keep trying

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