25 year old felony causing a problem trucking with Swift

by Ms Crapshooter

Hello. I recently completed swifts school and got my CDL. I have a 25 yr old felony that I disclosed from the beginning. My recruiter did not do her job and told me since it was over 10 yrs it was no problem.

I was to report to orientation last week and did. Long story short they finally noticed the felony and now there is another process.

So for one week I've been in Memphis no where to stay and running out of money. My recruiter was also aware I packed my house up and put it in storage because I was planning to be a trucker.

Would someone help me please .

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Sep 07, 2016
Beaurocracy at its finest
by: Anonymous

My husband works for Swift. One thing you need to realize early about Swift is that you personally don't matter to them. You are replaceable and they have so many employees and the ability to hire new people all the time (which they prefer over long-time employees) that your life situation means nothing to them.

If you were told that your felony didn't matter to them and it does now, that is their classic switcharoo move and it happens all the time. It happens mostly because all the decisions and policies come from the Phoenix office and sometimes the managers in other places think they know what they are talking about and they don't.

The bottom line is that Phoenix always has the last word and no matter what you say or even someone representing their company says...it will never matter. I hate to sound so negative, but that is how it is.

My husband has been driving for almost ten years and he just recently almost got fired for something he didn't do and even showed proof and they didn't care. If he would have been a company driver he would have been gone in a heartbeat, but since he wasn't, there was nothing they could do because of his O/O contract.

They don't care if you threaten to sue either...they have more than enough money to deal with it. I wish you the best...it sounds like you are in a pickle right now.

I hope you are able to get it straightened out in your favor.

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