3 Days of Orientation ?

by Altadena John

I'll be starting with a truck company soon they told me I would only have to do 3 days orientation at the company then out on the road with a trainer (OTR).

I told them I have a CDL but didn't finish school at a pervious truck company, I had fail one writin test at the end of phase one training class and they let me go.

I have 1 1/2 month experience driving OTR drove total of 30,000 miles in that time (drove my !@# off).

Truckers, do you think they (new truck company) is pulling my leg and I will have to go thru more training and paid again for the schooling?

I appreciate your comments

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Aug 18, 2012
Orientation NEW
by: Life As A Trucker

Altadena it's no telling man.

You just have to check it out when you get their and let us know how turned out.

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