3 quick questions... Need answers!!!

by Christopher
(Vacaville, CA)

1. Does prime inc or any other company truck have CB radios installed or do I have to buy my own?

2. How does the employer contact the employee?

3. Is there a setting I can set the radio to ONLY listen to my employer? I don't like hearing cuss words and all the dirty things truck drivers are used to saying.

If I can block them out, that would be nice.. I'm a Christian man.

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Dec 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

cb's are not used much anymore they are not required.

contacting company be thru either cell phone or qualcamm if they have them installed as most big box companies have them.

most companies require a cell phone as part of employment, i have a CB but only for listening in to find out why traffic is at a stand still which lane is open ETC.

get a satellite radio and tune into the christian stations and you be good

Dec 17, 2014
by: Trucker Yitz

If you stay with 1 mile from a base station and that base station is operated but the company, then maybe you are in luck.

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