4 months and counting

I have been dating a otr driver for 4 months now..we actually got to spend a few weeks together before he went back driving but since he has been driving he has become more and more distance and this last time out he hardly ever answers a call and barely replies to text when it all use to happen like clock work..

now we sometimes go days without talking and when we do talk well most of the time we are just listing to each other breath as to were we use to talk about weekend plans to how our day was..

just confused and still trying to adjust just need some help and insight. Nothing I've tried seems to work just seems one sided now

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Mar 13, 2017
Try not to count so much . . .
by: Anonymous

I think it's great that you have a relationship with an OTR driver. Actually, I'm happy for him too.

Relationships are difficult with any kind of separation, but there are a couple or more things that you might want to consider. This winter has been more weather crazed than many that I can remember in the recent past.

You'll have to forgive any OTR driver if he seems distant when you try to communicate. He's more than likely trying to decompress after being slapped around with storms and the people who shouldn't be driving in them. It can be very taxing on someone when you have to diligently watch everyone else who are on the roads with you as well.

If he seems distant, he probably knows it too, and after finishing his call with you, he may be frustrated with himself for being that way towards you too. And it may also be that he might be feeling that your relationship has now changed to be a little too comfortable on your part.

Don't take offense but if you are signalling to him that he's won you over, he may be "missing the hunt". You may need to put a little bit of mystery back into your relationship. In other words, make him work for it. Let him know you have planned your week and have him chase you around a bit.

A quick change from mystery to history can easily deflate the romance in your relationship. Let him know your plans and encourage him to meet you but don't make it seem that you expect him to. I hope this helps, and have fun with it.

Mar 12, 2017
Make sure you tell him
by: Hervy

Ask him is there anything that you can do to make the relationships better. He will ask you why do you ask that.

Make sure you tell him about the things that have changed. Tell him that you things back the way they were when communication was good. Ask him if he still wants the relationships and if so what the plans are in the future for it.

I have to say that because of the number of women I talk to that says they haven't spoken to him about how she feels.

So if you have already done what I have described and he claims to want to keep the relationships strong, you should be able to come up with things that you both will do to create a stronger bond.

If he is not willing to do something to make the relationship as strong as it was, you have to either figure out if he is just there to occupy space, take advantage of a situation, simply unsure, stressed, etc.

Then you have to decide if you are going to try and work on the relationships from just your end or go in another direction.

Either way, you also need to have your own things going on. Pursue some of your interests (not ones that eat at the relationship or lessen your value as a person) that provide knowledge, exercise, expanded network, create revenue or some other benefit to YOU.

So take a class or start a business, etc. That is if you are one of the women with a lot of spare time. If you are already working or going to school and have kids, then I suppose this wouldn't apply to you so much.

Reading a good book about relationships however would be a beneficial way so spending extra time no matter what else you are doing. Getting that extra perspective and advice could be golden to help you see what role you play or could play regardless of the current other person or future other person.

I am big on personal development. That is an excellent way to spend extra time. Also check this page.

Dating a Trucker

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