4 year old marijuana violation


I was convicted of a civil law out of the state of Oregon in 2009. A jurisdiction that does not have criminal laws on marijuana. Other than that my driving record is clear without smudges.

Does anybody know of any companies that will hire? I never even committed a criminal offense. I inhaled but after setbacks like this I will never inhale again!

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Nov 15, 2014
update on getting a job with mary jane charge
by: Anonymous

I have an update for you guys. My marijuana possession is over 7 years old. I am no longer on long haul. Im a local driver now. I did my time with C.R England and it was the worst punishment for the infraction I committed.

Jul 29, 2013
by: Anonymous

One other thing before Im off the airwaves. Youre a very unlikeable person. My brother works as a dispatcher for a small Hay business. Im guaranteed a job there for 1600 a week once i have experience under my belt.

Another employer who is not doing well will work me for nearly free and help me get my C.D.L. Best wishes to you on getting everything you deserve in life. Maybe you should try bud tending.

Jul 29, 2013
I own a house the size of a football field
by: Anonymous

A couple other things for you to know. I own a house the size of a football field. I have a fairly nice truck other than its on payments and is having exhaust issues.

As far as getting ahold of the money supply I putt a hundred grand says I make it further than you.

Jul 29, 2013
Information about expungement
by: Anonymous

You should probably seek anger management. You have anger issues which may be dangerous and a safety issue to your employer. Work on your people skills.

There hasnt been anything that is even remotely helpful to the topic that has been said other than being called a liar about the violation that was committed and an expungment which takes a significant amount of time and makes it an unfeasible venture.

If you know of anybody that can hire somebody with the violation feel free to post. Otherwise post on a different thread.

Jul 29, 2013
Seek anger management
by: Anonymous

You should probably seek anger management. You have anger issues which may be dangerous and a safety issue to your employer. Work on your people skills

Jul 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

We can see your an ignoramus and you dont want to hear anything anyone is trying to help you out with, so take your pothead and shove up your butt!!
you will never find a job you can be proud of because you are an arrogant narcissistic idiotic moron and your type of people never make it into any type of normal happy or healthy lifestyle...so I will refrain on wishing you any luck what so ever...

Jul 28, 2013
Hi Jennifer
by: Anonymous

Ive been tryin to hold back these feelings for so long babygirl. You make me wanna burst...like a Starburst.

Jul 28, 2013
Guess time it is
by: Anonymous

Its sexy time!!!

Jul 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

Ill sit right here and keep your wives happy when youre on the road til someone picks me up. Maybe they can break bread. Ill go over light some candles put some rose petals on the bed and break out some good massaging oils. -Peace-

Jul 28, 2013
No expungement
by: Anonymous

Im a grown man who needs a job. Im not expunging. I like my stramineus homo just the way it is. I just need a career i can be proud of to go with it.

Jul 28, 2013
Got clean
by: Anonymous

I cleared up since my violation. I took out a loan for a truck. I might as well not be in the system for how little i get paid. I am still looking for a job. I found a small business that will work me for free but Im hoping to find something I can be proud of and call a career.

Jul 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

I cleared up since my violation. I took out a loan for a truck. I might as well not be in the system for how little i get paid. I am still looking for a job. I found a small business that will work me for free but Im hoping to find something I can be proud of and call a career.

Jul 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

But the civil law makes it more appeasing to try because you dont think that it will affect your background because its an infraction then youre fucked by companies that dont follow laws and you have a pot logo over your stramineus homo.

Jul 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

They also no longer take drivers licenses in Oregon due to SB82. I have been dissecting law books for years. I have at least partial intelligence.

Jul 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

The penalties for Oregon marijuana charges vary from monetary fines to probation and prison time. In addition to these penalties, an Oregon marijuana conviction may negatively impact your ability to get a job or to obtain student aid funding. As if all this were not enough, a conviction for a marijuana offense may result in suspension of your driver's license.

The exact penalties involved depend on the class of Oregon marijuana charge you are dealing with (violation, misdemeanor, or felony) and the type of Oregon marijuana charge (possession, distribution, or manufacturing). Violations, misdemeanors, and felonies all carry different penalties and have different sentencing structures.

The table below shows the statutory maximums for the various levels of Oregon marijuana charges. However, it is important to understand that the statutory maximums for felony marijuana charges, although techinically correct, are misleading. This is because Oregon follows particular guidelines when imposing punishment for felony convictions. Based on this guidelines system, it is highly unlikely you are facing the maximum punishment for a felony marijuana charge. Your sentence for a felony Oregon marijuana charge will depend on the crime seriousness ranking for the particular marijuana crime, and any prior criminal convictions on your record. You can learn more about how punishments are calculated for felony drug charges by clicking HERE.

Oregon Marijuana Charge

Maximum Prison

Maximum Fine

A Felony

20 years


B Felony

10 Years


C Felony

5 Years


A Misdemeanor

1 year


C Misdemeanor

30 days




$100 ($500 minimum)

Jul 28, 2013
Get your felony sealed or expunged
by: Jennifer Greene

I don't know what you mean regarding your drug conviction 4 yrs. ago (weather or not it was a misdemeanor or felony etc) but for only $280. I found an attorney who is working on getting my last felony sealed or expunged so nobody will see it. Go to erasecriminalhistory.com or you can do it yourself by accessing certain websites.
This atty. also has payment plans.
Good luck.

Jul 28, 2013
so you say but the law says different
by: Anonymous

I am not sure where you got your info however, it is illegal to possess pot in Oregon it just depends on how much you have....and you didnt mention how much you had??? Read on please...

July 26, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- While it remains against the law in Oregon for a person to knowingly possess marijuana or a marijuana product, penalties for some marijuana possession offenses recently changed. In addition, a bill legalizing medical marijuana retail shops passed the Oregon House and is headed to Gov. Kitzhaber's desk for signature.

In 1973, Oregon's legislature was the first in the county to decriminalize possession of less than one ounce of marijuana. Punishment became similar to a traffic violation with a fine, but no potential for jail time.

The recent measures, Senate Bill 40 and 82, are already in effect. The first measure reduces the penalty for possession of more than four ounces of marijuana from a Class B to a Class C felony. Unlawful manufacture of marijuana is now a Class B felony, which is a step down from the former classification as a Class A felony. The changes cut the maximum prison sentences for each offense in half.

The other measure relates to mandatory driver's license suspension for possession of less than an ounce. The new provision eliminates the suspension, although it still applies for those charged with possessing more than an ounce.

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