5 year old rides in semi across contry

This child is not suppose to be in truck at all. but father still violates court order. i have been told by lawer its up to d.o.t. if they osee her they may just write him a ticket.

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Jun 06, 2018
Same Issue NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm having the same issue with my child's father. He normally has others riding with him as well and there's no seat for my child and she's not buckled up.
From my understanding it's up to the company's policy if there can be passengers and what age. They should have a rider's permit and be insured.

May 05, 2017
Sounds like trouble
by: Hervy

Sounds like trouble waiting to happen. Who has custody?

Why cant he go? Is it due to company policy or part of legal system?

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