63 years old trucker

by brinda nettles

I grew up int the trucking with our family
learned the hard way,life as a lady trucker not what it is led to believe.

Long hours by your self,dealing with tired grouchy men,just like a woman on the rag.

i've owned my own stinger rig,loaded un loaded,drove same thing over and over.

My thoughts are women have it made at home,not demeaning them-been there, but my suggestion is for the ladies to ride in the truck for 2 weeks with their man.

I promise you there will be no more complaints.

i've never been treated wrong by another in the trucking.

The CB is the only relief from loneliness. I'm sure the words aren't nice,but leave them alone and let them have the only life they know till they get home.

this is mama trucker sugar britches,signing off.
could tell you some good stories

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May 15, 2012
by: Anonymous

thanks, guys

life is hard no matter what, we all wind up in a rut in our own choosing,not knowing that we will be there for ever unless we make change.
you guys have it hard,wear and tear,trying to deal on the complaints from home,others not understanding your point.
I know when i was able to be home all i wanted to do is sleep.
so cheer up guys, I have your back and you ladies as well.


May 15, 2012
Mama Trucker Sugar Britches
by: Hervy

Thanks for the input there Mama Trucker Sugar Britches.

Might be just what some needed to hear. I think it is a tough balancing job for both the husbands and the wives.

both needs to try and see the situation from the other's point of view.

Then give the other a break and do what they can themselves to make it better for the other.

I am sure that will improve the relationship a little.


May 13, 2012
Totally agreed...
by: Marla in Flagstaff....

Amanda sister!!!!

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