7 year old felony is there any companys thatI can try "come on!"

by Marquise Kennedy
(Denver Colorado)

I just need to know can I try a company out there with a 8 year old felony that happen when I was 19 now im 27 haven't been in trouble since work for the last five years with odd jobs between me being to my current age I just need to know if any one can point me in the right direction...

Comments for 7 year old felony is there any companys thatI can try "come on!"

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Jul 10, 2015
Go for it! NEW
by: Anonymous

I first applied for a trucking job when my felony was only nine years old. I kept putting "yes" on the "have you EVER been convicted of a felony?" Those companies did not hire me. Some twenty companies I applied to. Convicted of possession of a controlled substance, and possession of a controlled substance for sale. Obviously a seriously disqualifying felony. Actually it is two felonies. After being denied countless times, I realized I should just put "no." What did I have to lose? The background checks usually (not always) go back only seven years. Once in a while they go back further. If it has been over seven years, from the exact date that you were convicted, then just put "no." If it has been six years and eleven months or less, then it will show up. For me it has been nineteen years as of 01/2015. I never looked back. I never committed another crime. If you get a second chance, make sure to be on the straight and narrow. This is my personal experience. Your mileage may vary. Best wishes on your future. I was hired by several companies as long as I put "no." Been driving ever since.

Jul 10, 2015
Go for it! NEW
by: Anonymous

I first applied for a trucking job when my felony was only nine years old. I kept putting "yes" on the "have you EVER been convicted of a felony?" Those companies did not hire me. Some twenty companies I applied to. Convicted of possession of a controlled substance, and possession of a controlled substance for sale. Obviously a seriously disqualifying felony. Actually it is two felonies. After being denied countless times, I realized I should just put "no." What did I have to lose? The background checks usually (not always) go back only seven years. Once in a while they go back further. If it has been over seven years, from the exact date that you were convicted, then just put "no." If it has been six years and eleven months or less, then it will show up. For me it has been nineteen years as of 01/2015. I never looked back. I never committed another crime. If you get a second chance, make sure to be on the straight and narrow. This is my personal experience. Your mileage may vary. Best wishes on your future.

Jan 08, 2015
... NEW
by: Anonymous

just so you know working odd jobs is okay....some dont even have that... my suggestion is to find a company you can drive independent for however there is a drawback if you have no experience. You need experience. And hopefully your conviction was not involved in drugs! get your record sealed for employment reasons and potential employers will not see this conviction. find out from your local parole dept how to get this done for free...gl

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