The Roach Motel

Another Crazy Trucker Story

Note: When I was editing the video, I couldn't remember the prices of the rooms so I guessed low. I was planning on checking before I published the video but forgot. So the prices in the video is inaccurate and the prices that I put in text right after it happen is accurate. Also I left the whole mechanic part out on the video.

Well of course my truck was towed back to the terminal last week. The automatic transmission locked up this time. (I did an interview with my old mechanic last week, see what he says about auto transmissions when I go home to edit the interview footage and upload it next week) anyway I am in a temp again. Last nite just outside Midland Texas (The President's hometown) the clamp that holds the intake hose to the turbo broke.

It sounded like a gun was shot. The pickup I was passing pulled over. I guess he thought it was his truck. Anyway, I made it in to Midland TX and after putting off 2 out of six stops and going through two hotels (La Quinta was $169 and Comfort in had no vacancies. I found a hotel next door to the Comfort Inn it had 2 rooms left. That's what she said anyway. So I went over there and got a room.

The inside of the lobby was the illest (the coolest:-) stuffed animal heads and old wooden furniture everywhere. I was gonna go back and film footage after taking a shower and relaxing for a minute.

First though, I had to call road service to get him to come replace my clamp. I know what your thinking, road service to fix a clamp? Yep, I went to autozone and O' Riley to see if they had one big enough and i was gonna buy a screwdriver and do it myself. Neither had a clamp big enough. I found out later it didn't use a screwdriver like a regular clamp either.

Anyway, they mechanic got there in 2 hours. I had just got back from the office exchanging my remote with the dead batteries.

The mechanic didn't come with the clamp even though, I told the dispatch what engine I had and where the clamp broke from.

He had to leave and go get a clamp. I went to take a shower. Couldn't quite figure out how to get it to work. I called back to the front and asked them was there special instructions to operator their shower. She said in a smart way,"you turn the water on and just pull the knob so it wont come out in the tub" I said well that how all of them work but it doesn't work for this one, I thought there might be some trick. "Do the shower work", I said. She says, "yes it works." I said, "well, it's not working if that's all I supposed to have to do to get it to work."

She says, "ok, I will call maintenance". Five minutes later she calls back and says maintenance says the shower in that room doesn't work. I was like yeah, I figured as much. Well it was late and I was there.

I ran water in the tub but quickly decided I wasn't about to sit down on those filthy anti slip strips in the bottom of the tub.

I washed up in the sink. Afterward, I went and sat on the bed in time to catch the last of the BET Awards. During the last performance I saw a HUGE Coackroach come out from under the tv doing back flips and what appeared to be break dancing. I couldn't believe it cause the song had ended. Then next thing I know 2 little back up dancers came out trying to steal the show. They probably would have taken it too except. . .

another roach came out bigger than the first with the illest moves that made the first roach look like an amateur.

Man, this was too much. It was getting better than the BET Awards!

Ok, I am exaggerating it into a real genuine crazy trucker story but there was roaches that came from the tv. I even got pics to prove it. (It will be right here after I get home. Don't you want to see it!)

So at first, I was like, I will sleep with the light on. (Too tired to think straight!) Then I thought wait a minute. The light is on right now!

I packed my stuff up real quick and put it back in the truck. Went back to the room and said goodbye to the roaches then went to the front office.

I told the lady about the roaches and she said, "thats strange, I used to stay here, I never saw any roaches."

I said, well I can take you over there and show them to you in person, or I can show you on this video camera right here.

She says, well let me call my manager. She made a call and returned my $86 dollars for the room which was my AAA discount reduced price. (Yes, I have AAA and TVC)

So there you go. The Roach Motel. Hopefully I am not transporting roaches across Texas.

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