A Cell Without Bars??

by Sharon Hy
(Clearfield Pa)

This is how my husband feels about truck driving. A self inflicted sentence that ultimately we(his wife and children) were the cause of.

Some days he is happy providing other days the trucking industry is evil.Tough to be supportive but because I am faithful in my believe in God and know that truck driving is hard work I keep trying.

Any advice is welcome on this.

I have been the navigator via phone, the director of operations in finding KW dealerships for repairs and driven lots of miles to have a dinner with him at a truckstoponly to have to listen to truck talk.

I love my husband but trucking has given him a whole other personality. Aside from praying, what's a wife to do??

P.S.He has been a company driver for Werner for one and a half years and been driving since 2006.

Is it mid trucking crisis??

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Jan 18, 2012
Break free!
by: Hervy

Hate to hear you having to deal with all of the stress Sharon.

I would say have a talk with your husband about his job. Ask him is he happy. If he is not, ask him why does he stay at the company or if he has tried to change driver managers, dispatchers, etc.

If changing the people he deals with there won't help what is making him unhappy then he should go to another trucking company that is suggested by drivers that he talks to near where he stays.

Sounds like that might have a lot to do with his Dr. Jeckeyll and Mr. Hyde personalities.

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