A dating story

by DJ.

First let me say, I am so grateful for the courage,love and honesty of this site. Thanks for an outlet.

I recently met a guy (divorced 1child) he gave me his number,I called we talked (hit it off) he drives otr. He came by to see me the 2nd week after meeting,he calls me (I call him) etc..

While traveling he called to tell me he was stopping by unfortunately the weather didn't permit it.

He has sent me pictures and says really sweet things,I know he gets to be home every weekend (I try not to crowd his me time) by doing a bunch of callin, I want him to call when he has time (I call but not too much).

He seems to be interested even at times calls and plays me a string of songs,this last time we talked I expressed to him I definately am interested, only he says things like wow (never anything like he is not interested) and continues to send pics,texts and calls.

I am feeling like mixed signals. Any advice please I really like this guy but what do I do.

Thanks for any help.

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Feb 20, 2012
oh and NEW
by: Anonymous

he drives up north as far as the dakotas and is gone for at least 10 days. When we met, he may have stayed out as long as 3 weeks, but then had his company get him home every other friday.. and i believe it may have got to be too much for him. Hurrying to get home, felt like he had to talk to me even when he just wanted to go to bed. They drive for 12 hrs and off 10 or do i have it reversed. I know it wears a person out. and then they dont wash everyday,, hair gets dirty, they start feelin yucky, we know how that is.. dont want anyone to see u with dirty hair, etc., i dont know, he has really hurt me. Tells me he will be home a certain day, sometimes he really didnt give precisely which day, and then got mad at me cause i didnt call and check to see where he was.

Feb 19, 2012
sooo NEW
by: Anonymous

what happened with "The dating story" is it still a go or did things end? To the girl that says she liked him and told him she was interested and he said "wow". I have been seeing a otr driver too, but have recently broke it off. the man will not communicate and expected me to read his mind. If he said that he would be home on a certain day, and i didnt call him - he just got all pizzie and says 'i told you i was going to be home", well he has also said numerous times that "with this job, plans can change daily", blah blah, which i knew that. And I did not want to bother him either b cause if i knew his schedule and figured he would be sleeping, i didnt call, if i knew he was drivin, then i would maybe just do a brief text., and would say "dont reply, i kknow u r driving", and sometimes if i did text him not knowing if he was sitting still or driving, he would usually send me "drvn, will call u when stop". And stubborn, man o man; he might tell me on a friday or sat that he is headed to a stop, but not saying that he didnt have to be anywhere until monday., so he would sit from sat til early mon and get all pisssssie that i didnt call. Well, when he said he was headed to a stop, he didn't exactly say When he would stop - therefore, i would wait for him to contact me. I might say, if u wanna talk later when stopped - text or call me b cause i do not plan on sittin by computer - the man would usually email me instead of texting or calling. But then i get blamed - he took none of the miscommunicating problems we had.. and yes, i think it should be up to them to contact us when they are settled, either out there on the road or when at home. i'm just so mad and upset with him.

Apr 03, 2011
back off
by: Anonymous

I say back off and let him put in the effort. He's the one who is on the road. If you really want to have "something" with this man you may want to start from the get go, where it's up to him to put in the effort if he wants to stay in touch and make a plan to meet up. Don't chase. If you feel like your chasing, stop. It only gets worse

Mar 21, 2011
by: Carrie

I myself didn't see the mixed signals in you're story, but never the less...how long have you guys been talking to eachother???? It sounds to me like he is interested. Don't be afraid to call him. And don't be afraid to just flat out ask him to define your relationship, and other questions you may have. You owe it to yourself to find out where he stands. If he's not interested in having a committed relationship, and you are...then it may not be a match. But he just may very well be on the same page as you. Not all men clearly articulate what their intentions are, espically early on. And some men don't get tthat we arn't mind readers, and our brains don't work the same. We need clear definitions, they just assume if they like you, you like them..enough said. Never be afraid to call him, and don't be afraid to just ask.

Mar 21, 2011
my advice
by: Anonymous

I would let him make the next move as far as being committed.

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