A driver seeking Dedicated Milwaulkee job

I'm looking for a dedicated local job in Milwaukee Wi that would consist of traveling to the Northern part of Wi or upper Michigan, and back to Milwaukee, no touch freight. Would like to be home everyday, and off on the weekend (a full 48 hours. So I quess I'm saying I want to work Monday through Friday. I would like to start at 45 cents a mile empty or loaded, wage is negotiable, but I will not take any offers that pay less than 42 cents.If hourly I'm looking at 18 to 20$. I will need medical Insurance that is a low premium and not a high deductible and coinsurance. I prefer a plan with low co pays for office visits and a low co pay for prescription drugs. Dental would be nice but not necessary. I'm looking for a place that has paid vacations, Holiday's, and a matching 401 k plan. I would like to drive a vehicle no older than 4 years and safe to operate. The company that I would drive for has to be safety conscience and would have to treat their truck drivers well. I can start in the beginning of April, the only reason I'm saying April I have personal reasons. Ti have a dot medical card that is good through Melville tired that is good through October 21st 2017

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Dec 11, 2015
Driver seeking Dedicated Milwaukee job NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you want rent and food supplied too? Sounds like you think you would be doing some company a favor by working for them.

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