A few mistakes and there goes my career

I'm a young man that made some mistakes growing into a man,and now I'm being held accountable for the decisions I made.

Although I'm a hard worker my attempts to refurbish my career went unnoticed,now I'm back to square one!

My motive is to find another company that's willing to take a chance on me,I'm content with hard work and ready to get back to it...As far as my criminal background goes I've never been convicted of a crime but I have some cases on me (not pending)which leads to unemployment.

I have over three years of experience and looking for a open position with room for advancement.

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Mar 20, 2018
Update on your employment situation
by: Hervy

How's it going? Have you found a job and is it trucking. Hope you are doing well.

Just working on the site and looking over some older messages. Read your post and was wondering how things worked out.

You didn't really specify if you had been trucking before. You did say you had 3 years experience and I assume that was trucking but you said room for advancement so I wasn't sure.

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