A Missle, Choppers And A Giant Indian.

by Ronald Craig Paup
(Denver, Colorado)

My name is Ronald and I am not a Trucker but My Father most certainly is and has been for 45 years. This is a Crazy Trucker Story and it is 100% True. This is one of My favorite stories because if you blinked you would of missed it.

In this country there are about 50,000 miles of Highways and Interstates and as a trucker there will be times when it seems like you are the only one driving on any of it; this was one of those times.

As a child My Dad would take me on the road with him quite a bit and I have seen my share of crazy stuff but this was some of the weirdest and scariest stuff I have ever seen.

We were about 133 km north/ northeast of Las Vegas in the middle of the desert and it was hot, real hot. My dad just wouldn't stop laughing; I mean laughing hysterically. I had no idea then, what Area 51 was, nor did I know we were close to the infamous Area 51. I asked him later and He said; He knew we might get to see some really fantastic stuff but even He had no idea what we were about to experience.

First of all Area 51 is supposed to be inactive; That is a lie. A blatant lie folks! In the distance where the horizon line was, where the sky was meeting the ground I thought I could see two dots just above another dot on the road, as these dots got bigger I could make out some features and it looked like a semi with two choppers flying on the right and left side of it. My father; laughing hysterically pulled over because one of the choppers was coming right at us and it wasn't stopping folks!

As the convoy got closer and I could see everything was camouflaged with the exception of the choppers, they were a flat black and the windows were tinted black! The semi was military and it was double wide in front of it was an armored assault vehicle with a soldier pointing a 50 calibure machine gun right at us!

Behind it were two more and "yep"; machine guns pointing right at us. I could see their eye's and they had dead aim right on us! On the flatbed semi trailer was a "Nuclear Missile"! I swear it was about 30 to 40' long all green except for the nose.

It had red and yellow rings painted around it. I was in awe to say the least and my dad laughing, casually put the rig in gear; and just as fast as they flew up on us; and folks; It was fast! They were gone!

We just started rolling again. I was looking at my dad in disbelief and I mean doing and eye roll or two, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a shadow or something, so I turned and folks to look directly in an 18 wheeler cab you got to be 8' feet tall. That's when I saw a "giant Indian" looking me right in the eye's!

Did my dad drop acid in my coffee? Was I on some other drug, tripping my brains out? There answer in no! It was real! Oh yeah; Ole Chiefy, He just disappeared folks! If you want to steal my story; don't! My dad is a biker too! We'll know where you got it from!

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I think NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with jibberish...I didnt understand what you were trying to explain and the only message I got from this story is that your Dad laughs a lot at nothing?? whewww I think you dropped to much acid when you wrote this...mmmm

I Believe NEW
by: Anonymous

I've always been skeptical of stories like this, but it makes you wonder. My Mom told me that she had seen a triangular space craft once, and I teased her a bit. But then I started to look at the evidence and stories. There are military personal that have seen things, and large groups of people, whole cities if you need more. People can laugh, I don't care, I know these strange stories hold some truth. I don't laugh and tease people now when I hear something odd.. I pay attention ;)

jibberish NEW
by: Anonymous

dont worry your story wont be stolen...could not understand a bit of your story so you must of been high...

giant indian NEW
by: Anonymous

Thats one of the craziest story's ive ever herd!?!? Lol but i believe you!"! What kinda drug was in the air????

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