A pickup pulling a trailer hit my door, who is at fault

by Gail Cox

If a pickup truck that have a trailer pulling off at the gas station and i have my driver door open looking for something and he swung over to close pulling off his trailer wheels hit my car door causing it to jam and wouldnt close who was at fault.

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Oct 24, 2016
out of luck ?
by: Jimmy

On a public street, you would be at fault. You cannot open your door until clear. However, if you already have your door open, then it's still up to you to keep from "causing" an accident.

Now in a private parking lot, it's different. I'm guessing the insurance co. will say 50/50 responsibility, that is, you and the other guy each are negligent. Jimmy

Oct 19, 2016
one question
by: Anonymous

can you leave the returns at each stop and then return to pick them up at each stop after you have fully unloaded at your other stops.

seems like the time saved unloading then reloading returns would allow you to just return to each stop after the truck is emptied.

Oct 18, 2016
If the trailer hit your door
by: Hervy

If his trailer hit your door and you were parked in a legal spot, sounds like that driver was at fault.

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