a proud wife of a good man

by Stephanie cremeans
(Dayton ohio)

We are pregnant with are 5th child and are going on 10 years married, he comes home 3 times a month for 30 hours or 10 or not at all.

My 3 questions I always ask
1 are you bring home any money
2 if you cheated would you tell me
3 do you miss me or just the kids

just make sure you don't ask every time you see or talk to each other. Think of yourself as an army wife just with less pay and less public respect.

Do not let him know u feel like a single parent or that they do all this for just themselves, it doesn't jus hurt one of you that they can't be there, don't give bad news but don't leave them out on everything.

Don't worry if they don't make it home for things like Christmas the kids won't mind even if you have it in July seeing you and a hug and being Told I love is all my kids need and same with me.

I'm just happy it's something he wants to do, and they are letting him be Able to be home when I have the baby so someone can be with our older kids.

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May 10, 2016
Married women NEW
by: Anonymous

To the women that are married to long haul driver's I am A LONG haul driver and that is the only wAy to make money we do what we can for our lady's but we give it up and it's harder on us to look in the mirror and seeing home so far away I hope maybe this would make u all feel better

Jul 13, 2015
yeap NEW
by: Anonymous

you are right Christmas can be anytime of the year. its a time of giving and God asks that we give all year long and not to praise his son on only one day of the year but all year long!! :)

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