A truck driver is my long distance lover - its frustrating

by tashanie

I been with my boyfriend for 9 mths. He drives cross country. The relationship is so frustrating as he most times is tired, sleepy or totally drained. When he talk on the phone for a period of time and he gets really tired and sleepy his temperament changes and he takes the tired frustration out on me which tends to get me upset.

How can I understand when I miss hearing him. At times, he his not in signal range. That even worries me more When I can't reach him. How can I make this work?

Can a experience wife help me here.

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Sep 27, 2014
dont worry NEW
by: Anonymous

Just think, I am a truckers wife and I have been for 25 years. I was around when there were NO cell phones. It tickles me when women freak out when they dont get a call or signal is out of range. I remember when I was lucky to hear from him once a day! All I can say is your either in or you are out. Simple. Keep it that way or you will drive yourself nuts. Find something else to do with your time then just sitting around worrying?? Doesn't make sense does it? Cant change it right? The only thing you can change is if you want to stay or go. Simple. Good luck..

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