a truckers girl wanting to make home time more enjoyable

I have been with a man who has driven a truck now for 30 yrs and We have been together for 2 yrs. My dilema is I only see him twice a month and when I Do see him he's so tired and I don't blame him at all.

I've been on the truck with him several times and understand what his work entails and know the crap he has to deal with so u Do understand totally.

I would like to know what kinda of things I Could Do to make his time home more enjoyable and I'm not meaning sex wise that dept is just fine lol

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Aug 08, 2014
Cook NEW
by: Jane

Cook for him!
I love seeing him happy eating a good home cooked meal. He goes on and on for weeks about how good I can cook! Haha..it could be wienners and barbecue sauce with a side of cornbread and he would be in hog heaven!

Jan 16, 2014
here are a few nice things.... NEW
by: Anonymous

sports and alcohol sometimes is every man's dream when he comes home from hard work....but not necessarily always true~ my trucker hubby doesnt drink alcohol so thats off the agenda. I love sports just as much as he does so this works out great for us!

Now also one thing, when someone is so tired from long haul driving, it is the body that needs to re-cooperate.

We both love massages and one day I even turned him on to pedicures(extended type) for those tired feet! Now it is a whole feeling good datetime for us!! I know it is costly at times but it is all worth it!! Quality time with the one you love, rest/relation, and winding down for the both of you...try it you just might like it! Have fun! :)

Jan 16, 2014
Meals NEW
by: NickV

They always say a way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Have plenty of good home cooked meals while he is home. I'm sure out on the road you experienced first hand some of the crap truckers have to eat. Also beer is always good if you ask me. And maybe check around town and see if there is anything going on. Maybe surprise him with a night out at his favorite bar while a UFC fight is going on or something. The more memories you make the more he can take with him while he's gone. The last thing any truck driver wants to get as soon as they step out the truck is a honey do list. Yeah things need to be done but let the road wear off on him for a bit

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