A Trucker's Wife of 43 yrs - Making the best of it

by Kay Wren
(Flint Michigan)

I've been a truckers wife for the better part of 43 years, There have been ups and downs, good times and bad, Lots of kids both our own and ones no one else wanted but me.

I always figured I had the best of both worlds. A husband half the week and all on my own the rest of the week. He was a car hauler. Him being home all the time is harder to deal with than him being gone a lot. I wouldn't want it any other way.

I've toured the country with his eyes and stories. I relax and enjoy them.

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Dec 31, 2011
Love it
by: Laura

You sum it up so well. No one can understand how I can appreciate the time we have together as well as the time we have apart...I feel like I am always having to explain it. lol

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