A trucking company wants to hire me but their insurance is preventing it due to me not having two years experience. why do they do that?

by Dennis
(Lyons IL)

I have 7mos. and 70,000 mile otr why don't they take that into consideration. isn't that a form of discrimination?

I'm a safe driver and i have previous experience driving as a spotter for the railroad.

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Jan 24, 2012
The way it goes
by: Hervy

Dennis, it's pretty standard that trucking companies want at least a year of experience. Some will take you at 6 months though if you have a clean record. Just keep looking.

As far as spotter experience. That wouldn't really be counted unless you were trying to get another spotter job.

Good luck,

Mar 17, 2012
Historical data
by: Anonymous

They do this because years of number crunching have showed them that it is usually inexperienced drivers causing most of their accident, therefore, most of their premium increases.

Eliminate inexperienced drivers, and you will get lower premiums.

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