A twist in our life, together.

by Hayley
(Henderson MN)

Hi ladies!

My name is Hayley and I have a wonderful fiance Kent who has always had the dream of being a truck driver. When he was a kid he would sit out side of the barn on the farm he grew up on and watch the trucks drive by, count them, and count the trucks of different colors! :) He has always been talked about of trucking by his friends and his x girlfriends so this is his dream!

We filled out paper work for pre hires last week, and the offers for employment are coming in this week! He already has 4 prehires! Cool huh?

It has been an emotional roller coaster since the day we started filling out those papers! I am happy for him, and I am so happy that he has an opportunity to fulfill his dream.

I have cried a lot, haha and im sure that's not the last of the tears, I can imagine just about anything that could possibly go wrong, imagine the days that I have a bad day and come home to an empty house, or the days that are really good and have so much to talk about and want to celebrate, but come home to an empty house.... it will be hard I know it will be.

He tells me to tell him if I don't want him to go, but I cant be the one to tell him NO! I want him to know how much I love him, and that I would do anything for him!

He has been my shooting star since the day I met him, and it's my turn to be his! He deserves that.... No matter where he is on the road, I know he's only a phone call away, and always in my heart, just like hes always in mine.

We are getting married may 4th of 2012, and I can hardly wait!

That's my story, and probably a little bit emotional but its only the beginning :)

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Oct 23, 2011
let him drive
by: Anonymous

Welcome to the wife world of trucking!! Mine has done it for 21 or 22 yrs now, and when your close its hard to see him leave after he has his home time. Mine is otr and mainly home once a month. I'm pretty independant so I deal with it and keep myself busy. Its a tough life if your close with him, things change as for doing things on your own. But your heart grows fonder when they are away. Just be there for him threw thick and thin, when he complains of things out there. Lend an ear and stay busy and time will fly till you see him again! Let him make up his mind if he likes it or not.

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