A wife of a trucker for 25 years

by Chyna
(St.Petersburg Fl)

From the very beginning I never wanted my husband to be OTR driver but he insisted on doing it. It never mattered what I had to say.

For the first 10 years of marriage it was wonderful. He was never a party goer, never drink, or used drugs. During the 11th year he started hanging out with friends. He's bragger and he bragged all the time about taking care of me. He bragged so much until a woman he knew from high school started chanting into his ears.

She wanted to be his girlfriend, he gave it a try and did he mess up. We separated for many years I continued to be true because we had three growing children to take care of.

The girlfriend wanted him so badly, she started calling my home,job, my children school she even came by my church one Sunday just to key up my brand new car. My husband never would believed me. She would tell him lies on me.

Make a long story short I never divorced him. I couldn't afford to because I have MS and I need his insurance. We are still married 32 years now. The girlfriend is no longer in his life.

He tries to show me how much he loves me, he even tells me as well. December 2015 he purchased me a 2016 SUV the ex keyed as well. I try to understand her but I couldn't do it for the life of me until August 2016, she attended a funeral for some unknown reason, funeral service of my childrens relative.

She embarrassed the hell out of me. This idiot was blowing kisses and licking her tongue out at me, big blow out. She needs help. I mentioned it to my husband he now believes me.

Especially after the police report I have made.

As a wife of a trucker, man men have no business being away from home at night. Once you lose trust its hard to get it back. I don't have the trust I need but it's my fault because I refuse to give my heart to him again, and I'm happy with that.

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Oct 26, 2016
Amazing Strength
by: Hervy

You have put up with and is still dealing with a lot it seems. But glad to hear you that you are a strong woman.

There seems to be some new medicines on the horizon for MS. Some herbal remedies has been noted as beneficial as well. Make sure you check in to them.

Hope things continue to improve for you and the family.

Thanks for sharing Chyna. I hope it helps prevents some similar stories from ever needing to be told.

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