abadoned after 1 year of marriage and 3 weeks on the road

by kim

My husband recently went to truck driving school at cr england. he finished 3 weeks ago leased a truck to be a trainer.

he left hasn't called so i called him yesterday he said its over, goodbye what is on his mind? we had a very good marriage only been married a year

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Dec 25, 2011
So sorry... NEW
by: Anonymous

I am sorry that happened to you. I wish you the best and hope you've moved on well since that happened. Unfortunately, people are like that sometimes. Some people are so selfish and cruel, but regardless, if that is what he is capable of you are better off now without him then with him. He is not good for relationships with women. Now sadly, after dealing with him and who/how he is...your challenge is to move on and know that he doesn't represent all men. Only himself.

Nov 09, 2011
so sorry NEW
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry to hear this especially because I just got married a month ago! Where you two having problems before he started? Just a question thats all. I agree with the other posters though, try to move on with your life and don't take him back. Hope everything works out for the best for you!

Jul 15, 2011
so sorry
by: Laura

i am so sorry you are going through this. I feel your pain as I was left in the dust after 20 yrs of marriage and three children. In this case, I agree with Lara.... whatever you do, don't take him back. Try your best to move past this and get on with your life. Take care of yourself and build a wonderful network of friends and family to assist you.

Jul 15, 2011
by: Rolly Polly

Oh honey my heart & prayers go out to you

Jul 14, 2011
not a man.
by: TruckerYitz

he was a real chiken afraid of facing the truth and not wqnting to be honet with you. si ohe got him a job away and now says its over hmmm. not much of a man not even a phone call?

Jul 14, 2011
1 year of marriage
by: Laras

It's the trucker lifestyle. Be glad it happened to you this early in your life. Mine came after 31 years of marriage and 3 weeks with Werner transportation. Move on and get over him.

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