Abandoned truck

by Kyle
(Buffalo ny)

I just ordered my Dac report but I'm not sure if I have and abandoned truck on there or not. I have 2 and a half years of experience I'm a super hard worker and I want to get back over the road.

I have a recent non fault accident a guy backed out his driveway and hit me. I really hope there's a company that will give me a shot can anyone help me out here.

I wish I had did things differently last time but I was going through a lot with family and and I didn't have money to get myself home!

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Jan 04, 2025
did he or didn't he ? (abandon his truck) NEW
by: Jimmy

Hello and welcome. An abandoned truck is a big no-no in this business. That's because you said to your co, #%^$ off ! I don't care about your equipment. If I was in mgmt at a truck co and you came along trying to come aboard, I would say sorry, no.

Can there be a good reason to abandon the truck ? Possibly. Maybe they owe you $$$ or won't repair the truck or you have a big emergency at home and are concerned with getting there like now.

You stated you're not sure if it shows on your DAC. I once quit my co and left the truck at it's drop lot in Az. and they put me down as abandoned. They said I should have brought it back to main terminal In Illinois. And drop lot was at the Freightliner dealer !

Go ahead and apply and don't mention anything about abandoned, unless they do. Then be prepared to explain. Good luck, Jimmy

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