Abandonment on my DAC Report

by Christy

I need some advice. The company I was working for put an abandonment prematurely on my DAC report supposedly.

They said if I turned the truck in which I am on the way there now they will take it off. Can they do that and how long does it take?????

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Jan 18, 2022
Abandonment false accusations NEW
by: Donna Adams

USA Truck gave me A truck abandonment.
They said we will come and get the truck
when I asked them where they wanted to send
me to give them thier tractor back.
What comes around finds its way back around for sure

Feb 02, 2012
trucking company managers are LIARS
by: Bill

trucking company managers are LIARS especially on the DAC reports.

DAC allows you to obtain a copy of your report and put in the truth in your own words right under their lies.

When I quit one company, the driver manager had me take the tractor to a nearby drop yard we used because another driver was going to pick it up near his home rather than me driving 7 hours to the terminal.

Well, he said I abandoned it and the company refused to pay. I wrote to the governor of the state explaining that they were stealing my wages and last paycheck.

The state Attorney General and the Department of Labor got involved. And I got my last paycheck pretty damn fast.

Feb 01, 2012
Correcting the DAC report
by: Hervy

No one can tell you how long it will take. It first depends on how long it take the trucking company to do what they said they would do.

After that I think it is about 10 days.

Yes they can do that depending on the circumstances.

For instance, if they told you to take their equipment one place or at a certain time (legally) and you refused, and instead left it. They could do that.

Of course they also make up stuff, we all are aware of that.

So can they do it yes. Was it fair in your situation? We have no idea.

If you are not sure what is on your record though, submit a request for a free copy. Then do a correction if they are making up false info.

free copy of your dac report

Best wishes,

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