Ability to be mobile while sitting

by Glenn
(Denver, CO)

What options exist for other means of transportation when waiting on in truckstops for loads? Aside from the local cab company, I have seen some trucker's attach bicycles to the back of their cabs but I'm more interested in some sort of attachment to the truck that will allow for the transport of a motorcycle (if it doesn't throw the weight off too bad)? Perhaps a little foldable scooter will serve the purpose but only if you need to travel short distances.

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Jun 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

I've seen gas powered bicycles that can get up to around 45 mph, some less. Might be something to look into since some can go around 120 miles.

Apr 21, 2010
Good Thinkin
by: NickV

Man if you could figure out a way to get a motorcycle up on a cat walk that would be safe and secure, you sure would be in the money buddy.

I think there would be alot of truckers that would buy that. A lot of us are stuck at the truck stops for days and sometimes if your real unlucky it could be a week or weeks! Your pretty much subject to the local cab company if you really want to get away.

They have pretty much everything you need in the truck stops but if you wanted to grab a good bite to eat or maybe a movie or what not then a bike would come in handy. Pretty much what the best thing to do when you are stuck at a truck stop is GO TO SLEEP! HAHA.

You cant spend any money asleep, cant get in any trouble, and honestly how many times have you been driving and said to yourself man I cant wait to just be able to get some sleep.

Load up on sleep in your down times cause you never know when the next time you will actually have time to just rest without having to worry about a deadline or a time to pick up.

But if you could figure out a way of compact transportation it would be a hit. Good Luck

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