Advice on becoming a trucker/ owner operator

by Jeff
(North Carolina)

Okay I am very naive about much of the trucking world, but right now am looking at changing careers. Truck driving job opportunities seem plentiful and it interest me.

From what I hear owner operators make more money and generally have more flexibility concerning routes, schedules, freight, etc. Is this true?

I understand that maintenance is on the owner and this can undoubtedly get expensive. I have most of the basics such as how to drive the truck, etc. (I still have a lot to learn) My next question is about the truck.

I found a 1975 International with a Cummins 350 and 13 speed trans. It's in fairly good shape, has a small sleeper and fairly cheap. Is it possible to use a truck like this truck as an owner operator or am I more naive than I think?

Would an old truck like this pull modern day loads? What about fuel consumption- are newer trucks worth the cost for better mpg? Any advise would be helpful.

It's a cool old truck and if nothing else maybe I will take it to truck shows.

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Jun 20, 2013
Not too practable.
by: Jimmy

Welcome. A 350 Cummins doesn't have much power to pull heavy loads, however, 350's were popular way back when. But, that's because that was the maximum HP engine manufacturers made. Cummins, for instance, has jumped to 400 hp and 500 hp since.

So, a 1975 truck (do you know the history and what the previous owner hauled with it ?) is almost 40 yrs old. Yes, it's possible to put it to work, but you will be limited.

In just the last week, I've seen a '64 Pete transfer running down the Freeway. I know it was a '64 because his personalized plate read " 64 Pete". It was in fabulous condition, especially for a sand/gravel truck. Then I saw a '58 Pete the next day 10 wheeler in really primo condition.

Yeah, O/O's have a big say-so in their destiny, but they also have a big responsibility, as in paying for everything and running their business as well as driving the truck. Good luck. Jimmy

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