After getting a tanker truck washed at a truck wash, is it standard procedure to walk around the truck to make sure the valve is closed, etc.?

by Leeann
(Lakeland, FL)

Tanker missing cap

Tanker missing cap

If you are driving a tanker truck and you stop at a truck wash to get it washed:

#1. Do you stay in the truck while it is getting washed?

#2. Do you walk around the truck to make sure the valve cover is placed back on the tanker and that everything is ready to go before driving off?

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Jan 16, 2023
Tanker Washout
by: The Crazy Trucker

When I used to pull tanker it was as power only driver. So I didn't work for a tanker company.

My experience might be different from your situation.

Having said that.....

I would drop the tank off and leave. They would pick it up with yard truck and wash them.

I never saw a driver pull his/her tank into the wash bay. This was Qualiwash in Charlotte NC

I was never instructed to check the valves. I always did a pre-trip on my trailer though.

Didn't always pick up the same trailer.

But I found all kinds of issues with these trailers that were sitting there to be picked up. Some for months.

From expired inspection to missing pipe caps and flat tires. (There if the cap is missing they will give you one to replace it)

I didn't check that the valve was shut because sometimes the trailer would have been one that was recently dropped off. And I just assume it was more drying time with the valve open.

They should definitely be checking the valves before they load it.

You might want to ask the procedure for your specific company to be sure what they expect from you.

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