Age limits for becoming a truck driver?

by Fred
(Mesa, AZ)

I know someone can become a trucker at any age. But I'm 55, 5'7", not particularly rough and tough, a former school teacher looking to get out of the profession.

I'm worried about can I actually physically drive the truck? I know trucks are not cars, but aren't they a lot easier to drive than in those Bogart movies?

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Jan 24, 2017
Age limit for a truck driving job
by: Hervy

You can driver over the road at 21. Check with your state to see what age you can drive intrastate.

Some trucking companies won't hire you unless you are 23.

As far as an age limit or cut off point there is not one. At 55 most trucking companies would not hold that against you alone.

As far as you being able to physically handle the trucking job, driving isn't going to be that demanding as long as you can sit for a few hours. Unless you have knee problems and you end up driving a manual shift.

However, the trucking company that you go to will likely require you to lift 40lb to 100lbs.

Jun 13, 2016
Age limit
by: Anonymous

I'm 67 and in good health can I drive trucks?

Mar 07, 2009
do truckers have to be big ole corn fed country boys
by: Hervy

Truckers come in all shapes and sizes Fred. Like Jimmy said you go up there to those truck stops you might be surprised what you see.

Actually operating the truck is very easy.

The only challenge I can think of right now is if you have a knee problem. The clutch might not be your best friend.

(The rest of the things would be weeded out at the dot physical)

If your in good health, come on let's go trucking.
Thanks for visiting.

Feb 17, 2009
Fred wants to know
by: Jimmy

Heck Fred, there are women 5' tall driving trucks! If you don't believe me, on your day off, go over to Loves in Chandler there off the I-10 and just hang around the fuel island and look at drivers getting in and out of the trucks.

Or over to the Flying 'J' at 67th Ave on the I-10 if it's closer. As long as you don't have any handicaps, you can do it! Jimmy

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