age related question

by Bonnie

Is it reasonable for a truck school to train a 74 year old? What are the pros and cons of finding a first driving job at this age?

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Feb 21, 2013
head is still where you left it LMAO
by: Anonymous

need I say more your head is still stuck up ur azz.......LOL hahahhahahhahahhaahhhaaa

Feb 21, 2013
by: Anonymous

Buddy I'm telling you what my experienced truck driving friends also said. I speak for myself Boy. I have no doubt you live with mommy and daddy. And like I said are a truck driver wanna be. Who the hell are you to give anybody advice on anything boy?
You're a punk with a big mouth boy. You need to be knocked the hell of your stupid stool boy! Go flip some burgers at Micky D's. that's where you belong!
And while your at it boy get me a chicken sandwich, wash your hands first boy, then put those gloves on.
Then I want the floor cleaned. Your gonna do it on your hands and knees. C'MON BOY!

Feb 21, 2013
so you speak for others now LMAO?
by: Anonymous speak for other people now too...well you must be one controlling basturd..

and I don't want some high and mighty egotistic basturd behind the wheel where my family is.... because you are a threat in itself on our roads... to think you alone, own the road, and can make decisions for other people is simply stupid....

you can not possibly make rational decisions when you are on the road, with your head stuck up your azz... LOL...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

case closed turn in your cdl cause I don't want you out there on the road either!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 21, 2013
by: Anonymous

To the foolish little man who things it's so COOL for a 74 yr. old to try and get a c.d.l. and expect to get a job.

Buddy I'm not hardly sitting back. I got my c.d.l 25 years ago. Was a company driver for five years. After that I bought my own tractor and reefer trailer, and have my own authority. And I do VERY well for myself.

I'll be darned if I want a 80 or 90 something year old woman driving a big truck on the same roads as me ( but then again any body can say anything). If this 74 yr. old had been driving all his life that would be different. But like I said you don't go and get a c.d.l. at 74 and expect to get a job. If he did, I don't want him on the roads with me.

So go ahead with your bad self wanna be know it all truck driver. LMAO! None of my seasoned friends want you people on the roads either

Feb 20, 2013
agreed he is an idiot
by: Anonymous

Dont listen to him. I am in awe of what you are trying to do. You get that physical, pass that cdL test, and go for it :-D

Feb 20, 2013
see LMAO you are an idiot
by: Anonymous

you have no logic and any one can say they graduated from a university which also means it did you no good because the proof is in the pudding... in how you react to real life situations....stupid

cant wait to see your reactions when no one is there for you in your elderly stage of life.

My mother is 84 and is driving, my aunt drove a tractor in her 90's and passed away at 101 and was still gardening to that age.

Your words will come back to haunt you and it will be your just deserve. You already sound like a whiny old man....

at least this guy is willing to put effort into sustaining a healthy life while you sit back and ridicule others for wanting a better life.....your a complete imbecile thats all I have to say...knucklehead

Feb 20, 2013
jose (big dawg trucking)
by: Anonymous

If you get a license & a truck I'll give you work in corona Cali. # 626-428-064
Truck has to be single axle

Feb 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

Well buddy you would be the dumbass. You obviously have NO common sense! No one with any common sense would try an get a CDL at 74 yrs. Old and then actually expect to get a driving job. Who is STUPID? That would be you. Oh and by the way fool I graduated from Rutgers University! I have common sense too! LMAO!!!

Feb 20, 2013
Good luck
by: Anonymous

My advice would be to make sure yoy could pass a full DOT physical. If you can, give it a try. I would just hate to spend all that money on a lisence and never be able to use it. Good Luck!!

Feb 19, 2013
to person LOL u r an idiot
by: Anonymous

remember fool you will be that age one day. I can tell how uneducated you are. Centurions are the fastest growing population here. Stupid!!

Feb 19, 2013
by: Anonymous


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