Alabama family man with a hard past. In need of a trucking job.

by Michael Moss
(Andalusia, Alabama,US)

I have had some bumps in my past because of who I was. I was a person who didn't care about myself or anyone. At 17 I was charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, at 20 charged with the same thing again, and when I was 30 charged with burglary 3rd.

All these are class C felonies. I severed 18 months with 5 years probation which I completed with no problems. I am 38 now with 6 kids with 3 looking to go to college.

Since my release I have got my GED which my parents never though I would do. I thank God for the 18 months I spent in prison. It made me look at life differently. I was put on a work release program while locked up. I learned to be a better man.

But people wonder why the prison system in America is just a revolving door to some well its because no one or hardly anyone wants to give second chances. Its like I told my probation officer when my time to find a job after my release was coming up " How do you expect someone with a felony to find a job when the state that said ok he has done his time and he has turned around he is ready to face life. Then the State Hwy Department won't hire me cause of my felony and the state said i was ok."

I believe this is one reason why the prison system is over crowded. But i made a promise to myself and kids I would never go back. Now I am trying to find a career that I know I would love because I have been in the the industry some what my dads is a retired truck driver.

Please if you know of any companies that will hire a felon let me know. I have found 2 but would like to find more. I will be starting truck driving school in March of 2012 and it will end may of 2012.

Contact me at

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Dec 12, 2011
martin NEW
by: Anonymous

Call this number 704-823-1389 or 704-823-0661

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