Alabama Truckers Wife With Tips

Greetings everyone!

This is my first time submitting a comment to a blog, however, after reading all the interesting entries here I felt the need to comment.

My husband has been an owner operator leased to companies for a long time. For those who are wanting to get into this business, please keep good records of everything.

Our accountant has given us tip sheets for items to claim with taxes. Gatorade/Powerade can be claimed for hydration purposes.

Air Freshener, sunglasses, cleaning supplies, trash bags, work shoes, storage containers, watch, visine, toiletries.

ANYTHING that you put in or on your truck, all truck repairs,parts and maintenance, fuel, fuel additive, oil, antifreeze,tires, just to name a few.

Keep all of your receipts regardless if you think it is not necessary because tax laws change all the time.

And, this business has been good to us, raising two daughters who are both college graduates. My husband was able to go to school events with them and attend all the important functions for family events.

We are not rich by monetary means, however, we are very blessed what God has given us. The down side of this type of living is the time my husband has to be away and when loads are slow.

Just like any other type of business, you have to manage your money, plan, keep good records and follow up and make sure you inspect your settlement sheets to make sure you are paid correctly.

Think like a business person not a time clock employee.

God Bless You and have a Wonderful weekend!

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Mar 13, 2015
by: Krickit

You are so right about your paper trail, when I turn in my taxes I have every thing broke down for our accountant, with receipts. You will not get rich out here, that's for sure and spend so much time away from home. I forget how to set the timer on the stove and run the dish washer, but boy I can drive, what a different life we live.

Dec 09, 2014
Looking for Blue Angel
by: Booker

Do u know a female from Alabama that goes by the truck handle Blue Angel? I believe she might be from Birmingham, Alabama.

Met her at a TA truck stop in Mobile Alabama hooked up & went on to Lafeyette La and parted ways. Any info is much appreciated.

Dec 27, 2012
When Loads are slow
by: Anonymous

Loads don't have to be slow all the time.
All depends on the quality dispatcher you
get helping you.

Your advice is right on the $$$. Keep RECEIPT$ FOR EVERYTHING!!


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