
by Sharon S Eddy
(Tok, Alaska USA)

Sometimes we as human women make it hard for ourselves. By this I mean, how we present ourselves in the public eye. What we do and say can sometimes bring unwarrentied sexual harrassment/or unwanted advances from the opposite sex.

If you are a woman in trucking and you are experiencing any for of this, simply stop and think of what you are saying in mixed company and how you approach the opposite sex. This is friendly advise and you can take it or leave it.

I am not at all new to the trucking industry or the world of trucking. I have heard a lot but too, I have asked for it also. So when those unwanted words or actions came the above is what I did in the future to avoid this.

Now, how to keep from getting the unwanted actions will be your choice. I choose to not be apart of their dirty jokes and too, I refuse to act like Im available to every man I meet. You can do this and still be a nice person. This is all a part of gaining respect. Respect is earned not demanded as I mentioned in my previous addition to this site.

Sharon Eddy
Tok, Alaska
Minn-Alaska Transport

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Aug 22, 2011
Alaska Pro Trucker
by: hervy

Well said Sharon,

We all know there is a few exceptions that can't be stopped but for the most are exactly right.

The way you carry yourself will.determine how your treated.

Attitude, appearance, job performance alike.

Thanks for the tips,

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