Allied Moving Company

by Dave

Does anyone know anything about Allied Moving Company in Traverse City, MI and northern MI? How long are the hauls - how long will I be out? Just curious. Thinkin about gettin a job with em.

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Feb 23, 2009
Dave want's to know.
by: Jimmy

OK pardner, we're getting there. Bear with me. Looks like you're dealing with an agent for Allied Van Lines. You will run 48 states and go where the freight is. Home time won't be all that great. Furniture works a little different than general freight. You will not swap loads/trailers like a regular freight hauler does.

A lot of moving companies are into other venues besides just furniture. Cars, trade shows, even certain kinds of freight. Furniture freight lanes are a different aspect,because people live here, there, and everywhere and the moving companies go where the people live.

You could get lucky and get some kind of dedicated blanketwrap furniture haul, but I would doubt it since you are the newbie. Usually, companies that are vague about what they do, are companies you don't want to deal with. I mean, what are they hiding. If they are hiring, then talk up their business to prospective employees, don't be secretive. Would you agree?

I'm with you, who wants to fill out an app and go to interview just to find out what they're all about. But that's your decision. Home time could be every 1-2 months. Jimmy

Feb 22, 2009
Nation Company
by: Dave

I did call and all they would tell me is that they are national and do long hauls. That is all they would tell me until they get an application and I get an interview.

Feb 22, 2009
Dave wants to haul furniture.
by: Jimmy

Hey Dave, are you talking about Allied Van lines, or a moving company called Allied moving? To find out for sure, call and ask, but I can give you some info re: Allied Van Lines.

You have a company (Allied Van Lines) that uses agents around the country. A local resident in Detroit, for instance, wants to move to Florida and calls the local agent for Allied Van Lines to arrange the move. The local agent normally will not leave the area, but will assign the move to corporate and they will assign a truck that runs 48 states to actually do the move. If you're working for the agent, you will normally do local moves and be home nightly. On occasion, you could do a overnighter for a customer that is moving 4-500 miles that the local agent has time to do. It depends how busy things are.

Different agents may do things differently in different areas, but as a rule if you work for an agent locally, you are home daily. Also, FYI, when things are slow, you don't work. It's to your advantage to have a CDL as opposed to just being a grunt. Jimmy

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