alone most of the time

by ronda
(saint louis, mo)

You know it gets so hard having a life of your own when you are waiting for husband to get home. You are afraid of telling him what you are doing-if you are going to have fun with friends or if your are chilling at home and have control of the remote control.

They work so hard and so many long hours --and really friends don't understand unless they live in our world. I try to be patient and understanding especially on long weekends and I never let him know how upset I get when he doesn't know when he is getting loaded and he is over 2400 miles away from home and then today I did...but I just couldn't help it.

Their life isn't easy I have traveled w/ my husband and I see what he does and see the professionalism he has -- I just know he feels unappreciated by his company and I am the one that gets the brunt of his anger...well today I had my melt down and felt guilty afterwards but sometimes I thing they need to know its just as hard on us as it is for them.

I love my husband dearly but I get angry,feel guilty, and get anxious when I am out having fun w/friend --I am doing nothing wrong..I love him w/ every bone in my body but sometimes I feel that is taken for granted because he is so concerned about what he is doing..I don't know he makes a good living and I love him to death but sometimes I get angry because he's not here to share the fun silly crazy fun I have w/ our friends..what to do?

I try and keep him posted one everything - I don't lie I don't cheat I hold mhy breath til I know he is crossing the state line -I ache for him -we get so few hours together and I want to make them special -more than laundry cooking a meal and etc.. I told him I want a date night when he gets home and I don't feel that is wrong....its a lonely life on both ends and I would never want to be with anyone else God brought us together for a reason and I believe it was fate but man ....when he is tired and cranky and I am tired and cranky --it ain't easy!

God bless those those men and women out there 24hrs 7 days a week and sacrifice so much just to make a living! Be safe and the women at home will handle just abou anything we just need a little understanding! I maybe acting like a brat but I can't help it!

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Oct 25, 2012
this is my husband and I completely
by: Anonymous

This describes my marriage totally...he had a job and was home every weekend but now he only comes home when his kids are here which is every other weekend. It makes me feel unimportant totally. My main concern is sex, it worries me so much.

There are some nasty women out there, I trust my husband , but he's still a man. Anyway I miss him so much, my heart aches because I'm so lonely.

I'm glad I'm not the only woman with these feelings.

Nov 20, 2011
alone most of the time
by: Anonymous

The date night is a great idea I ran that by my truck driver and he said we could try it out...

Oct 20, 2011
i cried when i read this
by: Anonymous

its like you wrote it for me! i cried when i read it. i love my husband so much i will not do such stupid things to hurt him b'cuz his working hard for the two of us, and i trust him that he will not cheat on me. its just that he choose being a driver and bec. of bad economy right now its really hard to just change job at this time. so we just need to trust each other and keep holding on to our promise and Love.

Thank you so much!

Sep 09, 2010
In Resonse
by: ronda

I recently posted some thoughts an feeling about my husband being gone alot and how its hard to have semi-normal life when he is out on the road. I appreciate the comments I recieved but I want to make one thing clear...I have no intentions of cheating on my husband and he knows that and I know he would never cheat on me. I was simply trying to make a point. We have no children and never will that while he is gone I lean on my family and friends for support. They are my support when he is gone but they don't always get what I or we as trucking families go through. I keep myself busy helping my parents,his parent and spending time with friends. He knows where I am at all the time we talk every few hours it just gets hard sometimes. I hide nothing from him and never will. We were blessed to have a nice long weekend together and got to enjoy each other and our friends together. People ask me am I afraid of him cheating on me .....NO and he is not afraid of me cheating on him ..we haven't been married all that long and it has taken me sometime to get used to this lifestyle..but I will make it and its because he is happy doing what he loves and that makes me happy. I get disgusted w/ people that automatically assume oh because your husband or wife is a truck driver and is away alot that cheating is always on someone's mind ---its not on mine or my husbands. We are both thankful in the economy today we are working and making a living. I am thankful for the time we get to spend together.I feel very blessed to have such a great husband that I can tell him anything...its just nice to vent to people in the trucking world that have experience in what I go through and I truely don't think I am alone.

Sep 05, 2010
alone most of the time
by: Dennis Shipman

There is a longing in your letter, which suggests that you wanna "do something..." I suggest that before you do "cheat..." "...lie..." or fail to understand the travails your truck driver husband endures, you need to encourage him to look for a "local" position enabling him to be home more frequently because judging from what you are writing, you are still relatively young. An older, mature woman would not have authored such a missive. And basically want your life back, or at least the one you had before hooking up with this driver. Keep it real, though. Don't front, or be like the wife I describe in my piece "Its Deregulation Stupid." Everything can be negotiated but the basis of any negotiation is authenticity... 10-4?

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