always uncertainty about him coming home

Hi out there

My name is Marie and i`m desperate! today is hard on me, i`m dating a long distanc driver who is gone from Sunday until late Friday night. Its a new relationship, only 2 months old and i`m finding it hard at times!!

What i find difficult is the continuous uncertainty as to when and what time he`ll be home...

Any advice??

thank you


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Dec 01, 2012
someone is very bitter NEW
by: Laura

I write this thought while sitting on my bed with nice clean linens, after having a hot bath with a glass of wine and listening to my favourite classical music (which he can't stand );after a 6 hour work day..... I think of him while he's sleeping in a truck, not eating what he should be, driving down an icy highway in Saskatchewan for multiple hours at a time.....I can't believe the bitterness one person has shown here. We arent rich either, but we trust one another. I understand he loves his job,and that it can stressful.. but it's something he is proud of and great at. Who am I to take that away from him?

You have to decide for yourself if this is what you want. For us, it works.. but it takes work. Its not always easy, but what relationship is?

Dec 01, 2012
end the relationship?? NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't know what side of the country you are from or where your trucker drives but, my husbands paychecks are the same every week, and then some if he decides to drive the farther distance. How do I know, I am his bookkeeper. I went out with him on many trips, and never once has a hooker knocked on the cab. He has been a driver for 25 years!!

Your post is ridiculous because not every truck driver frequents stops where hookers hang out....think about it! Most truck drivers are paid well, and if they are not something is wrong with the picture you are trying to paint...just plain nonsense....

Dec 01, 2012
end the relationship NEW
by: Anonymous

My advise is get rid of him now unless you enjoy being by yourself. Being married to a trucker is like being a single person who is locked in a cage. You live as a single person but you can't date because you are married to someone who is never home. Financially it sucks also. You never now how many miles he will get so the pay checks are unpredictable. Companies will keep th man out a week or more likely 3 weeks (that is the only way you get enough miles to pay your bills). My husband gets 1 day off for every 7 he is out. You do the math 3-4 days home per month. Then there is the hookers that know on the doors all night. I went out with my husband for 2 weeks so I could better understand his job. Sleep is nearly impossible because the hookers knock on the door all night. You just get to sleep and here comes another one. If you want children don't expect to have any help parenting. Oh sure they talk to them on the phone but the truth is IT IS YOU BABY that will be the one to handle the hard stuff. I thinking of a divorce after 36 years of marriage because he simply won't get off the road and I AM FED UP. I should tell you that my husband has only been trucking for 5 years and that is enough. We had to file bankruptcy after the first year of this wonderfully paid job. Never enough miles. So in my opinion RUN RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.

Nov 20, 2012
Get used to it NEW
by: Anonymous

Get used to not knowing when he'll be home. Also get used to him telling you he'll be home at a certain time and then it changes. If you can't get used to it, this life isn't for you.

Nov 08, 2012
always uncertainty about him coming home NEW
by: Anonymous

Kinda new to a truckers wife, Been with him for 5yrs and hes been driving OTR for 8mths. I see him for 3days once a month. Hard, hell ya lol when he's coming when the truck is coming down the road.

Its been hard and quite a change to "US". Ive gone on the road with him for 3wks. and saw what it was all about. Very mixed emotions here for now its a job for me I have to just get use to doing everything on my own.

I hate going out with other couples and "me" kinda missing something. I hope in time he will be able to get a local job when his time is in. Not holding my breath BUT it will be what it is. Good luck to you my friend and as said be glad he's home weekly.

Nov 07, 2012
You have many options NEW
by: Anonymous

It is up to you, how far do you want this to go on?
What do you want from this new relationship?
What are your expectations if any?

Truck Driver relationships are strained, due to distance. Can you handle this type of lifestyle? Some are made for this, and some are not.

You are the only one who can answer your question. This is considered a long distance relationship, as the person is only home once in a while, and on long distance most of the time.

I suggest in taking it slow...real slow...only a few years will tell you if you can handle it or not.

For myself I like this type of relationship, and so far I am content. I am high energy, so I am out, and about 9-15 hours a day,(exception weekends). Truck driving is in his blood, and who am I to try to change that. He is happy with what he does, and I am happy for him. I am happy with what I do and, and he is happy for me. So this definitely makes us a match. 22 years and going strong!

I wish you the best in all your ventures just make the right choices, and all should turn out good for you.

Good Luck and God Bless! :)

Nov 07, 2012
Just get used to it NEW
by: Anonymous

Just get used to it. At least you see him weekly which us more than many of us can say. If it's too difficult, don't carry on in the relationship. It's not fair for him.

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