Am I able to be hired

by Russell
(San Diego ca)

I would like to know if I can get hired by any trucking companies w/training program or will this stop me from being a trucker.

I am 45 years old & live in San Diego CA.20 years ago I was incarcerated in Florida for conspiracy to traffic marijuana, for 18 months & before that I have a couple of misdemeanors for possession of marijuana.

Then in 2004 I got a DUI.

Will this stop me from being hired at all. Do I have a chance in the industry with these type of convictions? I have read a few different things one saying yes I can and other things saying no.

If anyone can clear this up and let me know for sure, I'd really appreciate it.


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Oct 01, 2021
by: Levi

I've been driving about 7 years and I have 9 felonies one of them being bank robbery. I got out of prison and imediatley got my cdls and had a job the day I graduated from driving school. Call a company called Carolina Cargo there pay sucks but they'll give you experience and that's what companies want to see. Good luck.....Levi

Jul 08, 2019
Thank you hervy
by: Russell

Thank you.that does make sense.after I got out I did turn my life around,went back to school and got my diploma and got a job,been working ever sense.never got in trouble again,just trying to do right and not be one of those one's that keep going back.

Jul 07, 2019
I Think You Can Get a Trucking Job
by: Hervy

I think if you hurry up and get those applications out there you might be able to find a trucking job.

Freight is slow right now and if it continues it might be harder and harder to get hired.

No one can tell you for sure. You have to put in the apps and see what happens. Those charges were over 10 years ago. Some companies might overlook them depending on what you have been doing with your life since then.

If you have done a lot to offset that past (something for them to see that you are not the same person from the past) it will help you.

Remember they don't know you so they only have history to judge by. If that makes any sense.

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