Am I allowed to get paid salary in the Oilfield in Ohio

Oil Field

Oil Field

I drive truck for the oilfield in the state of Ohio and I get paid salary is that allowed.

I get paid every two weeks they don't pay overtime or by the hour.

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Jan 18, 2023
Oil Field Trucking Pay
by: The Crazy Trucker

Of course you are allowed to get paid salary.
It seems you actually want to know if you're obligated to get paid salary or is getting paid legal in the oilfield.

Many times people getting paid salary are taken advantage of.

Other times people are simply asked to work the entire time they are at work and salary workers feel like they're over worked. (Because they are used to not working on the clock lol)

None of this matters though.

What really matters is the agreement about pay at the company you work at.

Did they promise salary or hourly? That's what they should be paying.

If you don't like the pay structure then you need to find a company that suits your desired pay structure.

If they told you one thing and then did another, you should have a talk with the person in charge while you're there and be looking for another job as well.

Sounds like they might operate in a somewhat shady manner if that's the case.

Having said that.....if you're getting good experience there and its your first job in the oilfield, you might want to spend enough time there so it will help you get a much better paying oil field job!

Don't leave prematurely since you're already there working.

Make it work for you! Get some experience out of it so when you leave you can qualify to upgrade and not look back to the shady companies.

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